CV/Resume Font

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • shapesalad1

    I went for Sofia Pro and a 3 column 1 page layout, slightly newspaper column ish. It's nice to keep a CV to one page I feel.

    And remember, a CV is an introduction to get them interested enough to call you in for an interview. Even though some large corp HR's request every qualification and menial job you ever did, in general think about meeting the interviewer in passing at an airport or something. You'd say just enough to get them interested in arranging a follow up meeting later on.

    Imagine you run a business, what would you want to hear:

    A: Someone's entire work history in dry boring detail fleshed out with "I work well in a team and individually... I'm a dedicated designer passionate about typography..." etc...

    or B:
    "I see your business, I get it - I can add 10% to your gross profits, using my skills and experience, you interested?"

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