Virtual Reality?

Out of context: Reply #44

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  • face_melter1

    Wooooord up, you slags. After my initial, albeit, tentative steps in VR glory, buoyed by the heady thrill of my superior intellect smashing through the impossible conundrum of randomly clicking a few buttons to export some geometry I was brought down to earth with a thud. Left broken and mangled like Morrissey after a night on the pills and a bit of rough trade from Bracknell.

    The cause of my thuddiness? Cinema 4-fucking-D. Yes. Betrayed! The fucking slut! As it happens, C4D is kinda trash at making workable geometry for Unreal - UE4 relies on accurate UVW Maps and smoothing groups when it calculates lightmaps - something C4D is apparently incapable of exporting correctly. With a heavy heart I discuss this with my Spanish Guardo Camino at work and he shows me his method in 3DS Max which, as it happens, is foolproof thanks to some nifty UVM wrap scripting and plugin fuckery.

    The result is that after further testing, testing, and more testing and some YT videos and cracking the 2018 version of 3DS Max I can now export unblemished geometry from 3DS directly into UE4. Now, the obvious downside is the entire 3DS Max bit... But. It gives me the perfect reason to actually learn it. C4D isn't dead, it's merely taking a holiday in Vienna where its fucking Charlotte Rampling.

    • Once you master that you'll want to look at maintaining consistent pixel density for your textures.cannonball1978
    • Yeah, my Spanish dude showed me the density settings in Unreal - to make everything green and to split large faces into smaller pieces.face_melter

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