
Out of context: Reply #2060

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  • robthelad-6

    Hey QBN,

    I just wanted to say that I'm a KJV Bible believer. I'm pretty sure a lot of members here aren't fully aware of what's actually in the Bible and the ultimate fallacy of religion.

    Sadly a large part of modern society through media, ignorance, and whatever other influences, has a pretty messed up view of God, Jesus Christ and what it all means.

    I'm not saying I understand everything and am infallible. I'm just saying, religion today has no resemblance to Christ, God or the gospel.

    If you want to chat about it or discuss anything, ask. I'll try and answer your questions to the best of my knowledge and always in truth.



    • Firstly why a Christian credo rather than any other religion? Also, what lead you to KJV Christianity over any other of the Christian derivatives.Morning_star
    • "religion today has no resemblance to Christ, God or the gospel. I think you might have to explain that bit, at the very least...set
    • did the flood really happen?GuyFawkes
    • Why did they only sit at one side of the table during the last supper?microkorg
    • The flood very likely happened. Every culture on earth has stories about it, not to mention lots of scientific evidence now of a near world wide flood...set
    • ^ That's a Catholic painting, so not cannon, according to KJV Bibbles.PhanLo
    • Explain in full detail how the holy trinity works, but only if it’s relevant, please.monospaced
    • lol @ setmoldero
    • @Morning Star _ All the derivatives have practices which appear nowhere in scripture. So I followed the Word rather than their teaching.robthelad
    • Religions are a hierarchical system, knowledge at the top, teaching at the bottom. If you want to speak to God/Jesus you speak to a man, who relays the message.robthelad
    • Bible teaching is a personal relationship with Christ, one to one, so no man can come between or pervert the teaching of Christ.robthelad
    • The worldwide flood happened, yes.robthelad
    • The Bible has the "godhead" - God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. The trinity comes from Catholocism which is adapted from paganism.robthelad
    • I can't explain how, God is a higher being with higher understanding, I don't know how the three are one, but I trust it.robthelad
    • @Mikro - The last supper painting is obviously an artistic interpretation, but I think they all sat on the floor, around a small table in an upstairs room.robthelad
    • So basically your whole reasoning for being a Christian is just that... 'I don't know how, but I trust it'.... ?set
    • You can see why people laugh at religious types, right?set
    • I didn't state my reasoning for being a Christian. I just acknowledge I don't understand the mechanics of the Godhead.robthelad
    • There's limited space here so I'm trying, maybe failing in areas, to express my understanding in a paragraph or less.robthelad
    • In response, I'd say I don't know the mechanics of the Godhead the same way an atheist doesn't know the mechanics of the big bang.robthelad
    • Fact The first bible was written in Greek.
      Fact 2 Greeks are the biggest cons out there.
    • There's evidence for the big bangset
    • The big bang is a theory arrived at my evaluating evidence. You believe in something that has zero evidence and rewards like a ridiculous fairy tale.set
    • reads *
      What's your logic?
    • If humanity found itself awake and aware on this planet, with total amnesia, eventually, by evaluating their world, the big bang would be a conclusion they'd...set
    • ... naturally arrive at. It doesn't disprove the idea of God, but it's still an idea that has been arrived at by studying the universe and looking at evidence..set
    • They wouldn't come to the conclusion that they're most be a magical jealous sky man that created the world in seven days and gives a single fuck about...set
    • ... People's personal lives and actions. Anyone who came up with that idea would be laughed at, because it's ridiculous and based on nothing, right?set
    • So first of all the two things you compared are incomparable, and secondly... Where's your logic other than listening to morons from thousands of years ago?set
    • how old is the earth?GuyFawkes
    • is there a hell and is there fire in it and will we burn forever in it?GuyFawkes
    • can homosexuals go to heaven?GuyFawkes
    • why does god give kids cancer?GuyFawkes
    • How could Satan think that he could have a revolt against someone who is All-Knowing and All-Powerful?GuyFawkes
    • Why does God let Televangelists take money, in His name, from the sick, old and infirm who cannot afford it?GuyFawkes
    • How can God blame us for our imperfections when He made us that way?GuyFawkes
    • damn rob, not doing well here, you seem to just be regurgitating the same old trope that god is mysterious, but you must believe because it feels good.monospaced
    • and what’s this about needing to talk to a man in order to talk to god? Can’t you see how ridiculous that sounds?monospaced
    • we’re dinosaurs real?GuyFawkes
    • when the flood happened, how did the fresh water lakes not get mixed in with the salty ocean water?GuyFawkes
    • did noah save 2 of every insect?GuyFawkes
    • how did noah get to the penguins?GuyFawkes
    • how did shallow water coral survive?GuyFawkes
    • how did plants and trees survive?GuyFawkes
    • did the tower of babel happen? and is that where the chinese language came from?GuyFawkes
    • how old is the universe?GuyFawkes
    • @Set - I don't think the big bang created the universe, it's an unproven theory like any other you can choose to follow. You have read the Bible and reject it?robthelad
    • @Set - My logic comes from personal experience, testimony, and the Word of God.robthelad
    • @mono - I didn't say God is mysterious or imply that, apologies, just that I can't explain the Godhead.robthelad
    • @mono - CORRECT. In Baptist/Catholic Christianity, your priest is the middleman between you and God. This is why I follow what the KJ Bible teaches instead.robthelad
    • is incest wrong? if yes, is noah going to hell?GuyFawkes
    • @guy - I don't know how old it is. There is a hell, but it's not what you think. I can't say who will go there. Yes to pain for at least 1,000 years.robthelad
    • who are canes cursed descendants?GuyFawkes
    • @guy - homosexuals can, anyone who accepts Jesus can. I do not know, but heaven awaits every lost child. Lucifer thought he was smarter than God.robthelad
    • how did jonah breath when he was in the belly of the whale?GuyFawkes
    • @guy - God gave us free will to do what we chose with our lives and money. God doesn't blame us, he will forgive all the choices we make.robthelad
    • @ guy - yes dinosaurs were real. God is really good at filtration. Noah saved more than 2 - it wasn't Noah's job to round creatures up, they came to the ark.robthelad
    • @guy - penguins survived the flood, they're tough. Plants, Coral, all that stuff can grow again over the thousands of years since the flood.robthelad
    • is plagiarism wrong and if so are the writers of the bible going to hell?GuyFawkes
    • @guy - Yes, the tower of Babel was a big thing, literally, and yes the languages were confounded and the nations spread out.robthelad
    • @niko - Not just the greeks spoke greek. I don't think that's a factor in the validity of the scripture.robthelad
    • thanks man, this is great, you should have your own thread, 1 post for each questionGuyFawkes
    • and your a good sport too, which says a lot. here’s an upvote :)GuyFawkes
    • I don't know why I'm surprised but your answers were massively dissapointing.set
    • @guy - Incest is immoral, no, Noah didn't commit incest, Noah's cool.robthelad
    • The comment someone said about the flood and why it didn't mix salt water with fresh is retarded. You don't understand how lakes and rivers work do you...set
    • As in... It would have mixed but things would revert soon enough.set
    • so the fresh water fish and salt water fish all held their breath?GuyFawkes
    • they all temporarily became brackish fish?GuyFawkes
    • come on set!GuyFawkes
    • so if noah didn’t do incest, all his kids did then? aren’t we all the inbred descendants of that family now?GuyFawkes
    • does god forgive ones who’s ruined or taken the lives of others not giving them a chance to find jesus, ex: pedos & murderers?GuyFawkes
    • and what about people who never heard of jesus and were born into another religion but are good people? will they go to hell?GuyFawkes
    • what about retards? will omg go to hell?GuyFawkes
    • What on earth do you mean about the fish? Surely you're joking...set
    • fish live in the water right?GuyFawkes
    • do i really have to spell it out for you?GuyFawkes
    • ok, fresh water trout lives in a fresh water lake, then the rain comes and fills the earth full of water mixing the oceans w the lakesGuyFawkes
    • so now ALL the water is in the world that the fish are swimming in is basically brackish water,GuyFawkes
    • so the only fish that would survive are brackish fish, 3-4 species of sharks, puffers, etcGuyFawkes
    • get it?GuyFawkes
    • unless of course noah got all the fish in the ark, then problem solvedGuyFawkes
    • remember, the bible said there was NO land left, so that’s a hell of a lot of rain (which is fresh water)GuyFawkes
    • so why didn’t the people just hold on to the side of the arc?
      surely there were boats back then, did all the boat owners survive?
    • were fossils planted by the devil to confuse us?

    • when the tower of babel crumbled and the people dispersed with their new languages, did their skin color change right away or did they evolve?GuyFawkes
    • did adam and eve have a belly button?GuyFawkes
    • when adam was given the task to name all the animals in gods kingdom, did that include the polar bears?GuyFawkes
    • what language did that snake talk?GuyFawkes
    • did he have a lisp?GuyFawkes
    • why does the bible say that women are the property of man? are they?GuyFawkes
    • is this guy for real?monospaced
    • have you ever stoned a person to death for any reason?monospaced
    • if no, why not?monospaced
    • < upvote to the left!GuyFawkes
    • is judas going to hell for betraying christ?GuyFawkes
    • should he?GuyFawkes
    • lol at this thread. Troll level infinity.
      what happened to the billions of people that lived before christ, are they in hell?
    • how about the sentient beings on the billions and billions of other planets in the universe, did Jesus get around to visiting them too?_niko
    • Why does Jesus allow little innocent boys to be raped at the hands of priests? because he doesn't care or because he's powerless?_niko
    • do I need to go to work in heaven? can i play sports, is there a NFL heaven? or do i just fuck bitches all day? how about access to primo weed?_niko
    • Are dirty Hindus like ghandi in hell while awesome christians like Jim Bakker in heaven? Where's Jim Morrison? that's where I want to go._niko
    • Do you think with Nikola tesla, albert einstein AND Steve Jobs all in one place, they started a kick ass company and they like invented non-hangover beer?_niko
    • Do you take a shit in heaven? is there plumbing? who's responsible for the cleanup? do they have toilet paper? quadruple ply I hope._niko
    • The food didn't literally cover every square foot of land on earth, there was a meteor impact in the sea and vast tsunamis hit parts of most continents.set
    • There's scientific evidence for this. Why are you being sad o literal, guy? The fish thing makes you sound like a fool...set
    • Flood not food* fecking phone typingset
    • go buy a clown fish or some live rock, or some triggers, or an octopus, of even some hardy damsels and put them in brackish water tank and see what happensGuyFawkes
    • & you should probably google brackish, or try to keep a reef tank, i would start with something simple if i was u, like maybe a betaGuyFawkes
    • then later a gold fishGuyFawkes
    • scientific evidence for the flood set? really? like the sea shells in mountains? to you even tectonic plate bro?GuyFawkes
    • is masturbation self rape?
    • if god hates lies, why does he tell us to lie to our kids about santa?GuyFawkes
    • did moses literally split the read sea, or did he use a boat?GuyFawkes
    • the bible condones slavery and also says we can beat them, should we start owning slaves again? what about beating them?GuyFawkes
    • in the book of Isaiah the bible says the earth is a circle, did they mean sphere?GuyFawkes
    • when jesus cried out “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” who was he talking to?GuyFawkes
    • “Look! I am about to cover the earth with a flood that will destroy every living thing that breathes. Everything on earth will die." Gen. 6:17GuyFawkes
    • in the past we’re christians right to burn witches alive at the stake?GuyFawkes
    • was the inquisition a good thing?GuyFawkes
    • Yes, there is plenty of scientific evidence for a huge flood. Plus every culture of earth has stories of it. Your fish logic still makes zero sense...set
    • Of course fish will die if they're not in their natural water type.... So!?set
    • For the record the fact that their was a vast flood has no bearing whatsoever on religious nonsense...set
    • ... but your fish logic is idiotic...set
    • please explain how the fish survived?GuyFawkes
    • i don’t think you thought this throughGuyFawkes
    • Jesus Christ. So your logic is that there can't have been a vast flood because all the fish would have died, lolset
    • Are you idiotically assuming that the flood would have hit every square foot of land on planet earth? You are, aren't you..set
    • There is indisputable evidence that a comet struck earth 11,000 years ago... This would have caused major tsunamis...set
    • These vast tsunamis were recorded by every ancient culture in earth.set
    • If you're unable to do your own research on the subject then we may as well end the discussion now....set
    • @guy - The modern concept of Hell comes from Norse mythology. This might help https://www.gotquest…robthelad
    • @guy - Plagiarism is wrong, in fact it's Satan's main tactic. The writers of the Scriptures were not plagiarists.robthelad
    • @guy - yes we're all closely related to each other, but, Noah and his son had wives before the flood, who were not their sisters or cousins, to procreate with.robthelad
    • @guy - God gives everyone the opportunity for forgiveness. Mankind knows God, if you never hear or follow another religion, you can always be saved.robthelad
    • @guy - We cannot say who will descend and who will ascend, that is up to Christ. But all manner of mankind can be saved.robthelad
    • @guy and set - I have no idea about fresh and salt water fish.robthelad
    • @guy - I think people did cling onto the ark but didn't last long. The flood waters came from gates in heaven and below the earth, not sure if fresh or salty.robthelad
    • @guy - Fossils are petrified remains. the flood drowned animals where they stood, then the settling sediments buried the dead creatures.robthelad
    • @guy - I think skin colour was already established, each nation/tongue had their own culture. I have no idea about the belly button, I'd say no.robthelad
    • @guy - Adam named all the creatures God brought before him, that would include bears. Satan took the form of a serpent, he spoke Adam and Eve's language.robthelad
    • @guy - We are all the property of God, man does not possess any woman, but called to care, love and cherish women, and all others, above yourself.robthelad
    • @guy - Yes, Judas will be cast into the lake of fire for his sins. Commiting suicide to overcome his guilt, rather than seek God's mercy.robthelad
    • @guy - Masturbation is a sin against your own body. Moses was given the ability to physically split the sea, from God. Elisha split the river Jordan TWICE.robthelad
    • The old testament documents slavery, God told the masters to release all slaves after 7 years. No beating, please respect and love all others.robthelad
    • @guy - Yes, he sits upon the circle of the world. There are separate words in Hebrew for "Ball" and "Circle". So I guess they meant circle.robthelad
    • @guy - Upon the cross Jesus cried out as a man, not as the son of God, and he was talking to his Father.robthelad
    • @guy - I believe the witch hunts were another from of fundamentalist hate by those who seek only for themselves.robthelad
    • @guy- Thank you for your questions and upvote. I appreciate it and have enjoyed replying a lot.robthelad
    • @mono- Yes I'm for real. No I have never stoned a person, nor would I, let those without sin cast the first stone.robthelad
    • @niko - Those faithful to God went to Sheol to await judgement. Christ descended into Sheol for 3 days after his crucifiction and preached to those lost souls.robthelad
    • @niko- I'm not so sure there are billions and billions of planets in the universe with creatures on them. Earth is it. This is the big show.robthelad
    • @niko- God gave man free will to do what they choose. Eternal judgement is there to punish those who commit crimes and abominations.robthelad
    • @niko - All those selfish thoughts and actions won't exist beyond your flesh. I don't know where these people are you speak of.robthelad
    • @niko - This body is transformed into a perfect body, like Jesus when he rose from the dead, not subject to the limitations of our corrupted flesh. So no poop.robthelad
    • awesome!GuyFawkes
    • righteous!robthelad
    • The bible says the earth is flat, logic and science tell us it’s spherical. What else does the bible get wrong? Everything, it’s fiction._niko
    • Textbooks told you the world was a ball. The Bible told me it was something else.
      So we should ask ourselves what our own experience concludes.

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