Responsive Website Sizes?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • 18 Responses
  • mg330

    Let's say your creating specs for desktop and mobile site dimensions at the start of a project to make sure everyone knows the guidelines for creating concepts. It's easy on desktop to say things like:

    - Header background - 100% width
    - Header content area - 11440px max width
    - Page content area - 1280px max width

    On mobile, is it better to use percentages to dictate things like this? For example, on mobile:
    - Header background - 100%
    - Header content area - 90% (to ensure 5% margins on left and right)
    - Page content area - 90% width, 5% left and right margins

    Does this make sense? Is there another way to set guidelines for mobile when there are numerous mobile devices with different widths and resolutions?

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