Sexual Harassment of the DAY

Out of context: Reply #124

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  • PonyBoy0

    Left / Right... I don't give a fuck about your politics. I'm confused though... why are all these actors / writers / comedians / celebs literally being fired within hours of mere accusations yet NOT ONE politician either Dem or Pub will step down / is forced to resign when hit w/the same type of accusations?

    • *cough*
      The President
    • *cough*
      take his ass out... but to do that you have to hold your own responsible too... good luck!
    • *cough* trump isn't guilty only if clinton is *cough* clinton isn't president *cough* hillary isn't either *cough*monospaced
    • *takes another nice rip*
    • *cough* yes, that is what you said *cough*monospaced
    • here we go again... logic is too much for you, mono? YOu don't get to hold one side responsible and give the other a pass. Conyers...Franken?PonyBoy
    • Take down Moore... take down Trump... TAKE THEM ALL DOWN if they're scum... but you DEMS won't kill your own. Glad I switched to the ol 'I'.PonyBoy
    • you literally said "you have to hold your own responsible too" AS IF trump can't be taken down without Clinton going firstmonospaced
    • You dems are an embarrassing lot who could care less what 'your side' does. If they match your ideals these guys can abuse all day long...right?PonyBoy
    • straight up, that logic is flawed ... and YES, take them all down, I AGREEmonospaced
    • but to imply Trump is somehow dependent on Clinton is idiotic. Period.monospaced
    • If your answer is 'no'... THEN TAKE THEM ALL DOWN. You'll EASILY take out the Orange Turd in the process.

      Step up, cowards.
    • i don't recall ever saying one person or another shouldn't be held responsible.kona
    • Your continued insistence that Republicans can't be targeted or incriminated without Democrats first is so insanely illogical it hurts. They both are!monospaced
    • what i do recall saying is it's reprehensible that the recent republicans discredit the accusers as much as they do.kona
    • mono—the argument in the media will be "if you're not holding the left responsible— why hold the right responsible?" Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?PonyBoy
    • and p.s. every dem aside from franken has stepped down since 2010.kona
    • mono... your continued desire to ignore 'your own' and only go after the pubs is disgusting... end of story.PonyBoy
    • What cowards are you even talking about? The Republican majority Senate? The R. majority House? The R. run Whitehouse?monospaced
    • I'm NOT ignoring my own! What the fuck are you talking about?monospaced
    • Again—Left or RIGHT I don't CARE. Take them ALL OUT. Set a fucking precedence already and clean fucking house like the private sector.PonyBoy
    • Your reasoning that the right is only accountable if the left is first straight up omg/yuritard level of stupid.monospaced
    • Yes, TAKE THEM ALL OUT. I AGREE.monospaced
    • But the situation right this ACTUAL MOMENT is that Trump REFUSES to admit Roy Moore is guilty. The CURRENT President of the USA.monospaced
    • You have the most selective understanding / reading skills of any QBNer... you're IMPOSSIBLE to have a conversation with, mono. :DPonyBoy
    • LOL. I LOVE YOU!monospaced
    • I have incredibly good reading skills, as a matter of fact. You seriously keep implying republicans can't be targeted until dems are, AS IF dems were in charge.monospaced
    • And just admit you're afraid to see any left TWAT go down in flames. Dems and Pubs are equally disgusting... I'm merely asking you hold BOTH responsible.PonyBoy
    • That makes no sense. Seriously. Have a great night. *cough* *cough* time to go make dinner.monospaced
    • I have never said you can't go after Pubs w/out going after Dems (that's your selective reading skills, mono). I've only said you can EASILY...PonyBoy
    • ... take out the Orange Turd IF YOU EAT YOUR OWN FIRST. You're guaranteed the end of Trump if you take down a Clinton... but you're too scared. ;)PonyBoy
    • You're free to go after any righty you like... but GOOD LUCK WITH THAT if you don't hold the left accountable too... doesn't work like that.PonyBoy
    • "ou seriously keep implying republicans can't be targeted until dems are"
      No sir I am NOT. :) SelectiveMono!! Go back and read slowly...
    • ... I'm an advocate for taking out all the scum... LEFT OR RIGHT. You have no chance to take one or the other out if you're not equally just.PonyBoy
    • And you two should get those coughs checked... mines from all this glorious weed I smoke.PonyBoy
    • i’m too high to read all these comments, but +1 on the postGuyFawkes

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