
Out of context: Reply #66819

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  • since19792

    In my attempts to be funny, witty, whatever, I have been saying nasty things and I feel remorseful today. Even though they are internet comments I feel bad and want to apologize to the universe for sending such negative karmic waves out there.

    • thanks man. no heart feelings. i understand. I forgive you.oey
    • I'd perhaps lay off the non-useful criticism of people's work in the 'recent work' thread - not productive, sounds spiteful and somewhat uninformed.detritus
    • i thought it was a critique forum. my bad. i didnt really like that work. looked like a million things ive already seen.since1979
    • No, it's not a critique thread as I've found out any time I've suggested my thoughts on a work. That aside, there's never a need for unbacked-up negativity.detritus
    • I just didnt like it. not gonna apologize for that. Its a generic font and then its the trendy multicolor multiapplication thing. Maybe I should be more descripsince1979
    • Since it was first page its more inviting to leave an opinion. I didnt even go to thread.since1979
    • Good on you since1979 cause Instant Karmic gonna get youkona
    • I'll take it from hereset
    • ^ LOL!oey

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