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Out of context: Reply #23

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  • Beeswax0

    Thanks for all the great feedback.

    Why anchor?
    This is a University with ties to some Catholic tradition and network. Anchor is their symbol of Christianity, My initial idea was to create a hidden cross over the anchor with the lights of the lighthouse.

    Why Lighthouse?
    The school is in Palos Verdes, a neighborhood of LA. Their landmark is this exact lighthouse.
    The university is also situated on top of a hill overlooking the ocean.

    Their slogan is also happened to be "Direct us by thy light" (Tua Luce Dirige)

    So I incorporated all these elements. Clients hasn't seen this yet, they might ask me to remove some of these main elements but I wanted it to be more definitive/descriptive of their location & ideals.

    This is a rebranding project, their current name is Marymount California University, and there are 9 Marymount Universities with some of them being in California, they are tired of getting mixed by these other institutions, so this will be presented to their board with the hopes of persuading them to change the name of the school.

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