Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Muncher0

    Is anyone still playing this?

    I play it fairly regularly, but I stopped playing the actual game and started trying to complete a challenge of my own invention and it's driving me nuts because I simply can't do it.

    I've been top of the leaderboard countless times. Just playing the game is fine but gets boring. What I try to do, and can't do, is this...

    1. Wherever you land when you first join the game, you HAVE to make your way to the centre of the board.

    2. Once there, you have to grow to 5000 minimum, then once you have 5000, plus some extra for speeds, you have to head for the border.

    3. The objective is to crash out of the game at the red-edge of the game-field taking a clear 5000 points minimum out with you.

    It's as simple as that, and yet, in hundreds of attempts, I haven't managed it.

    Getting 5000 is easy enough at the centre, but road-running it back out to the edge is nigh-on impossible. You have to get out of the centre-squirm riot, then you face all the sneaky little bandit fuckers that hang around the wastelands looking for fat worms hoping for an easy life. They simply will not let a fat worm get to the edge.

    if anyone's still playing this... try it.

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