
Out of context: Reply #26991

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  • monoboy2

    I find it odd that people are calling this silly CNN tweet the final straw whilst millions of Americans face being stripped of access to life and death healthcare.

    Sure he's a dummy. Most of us know that but a lot more don't. Sadly.

    But GOP politics will end up killing you and your family just to save millionaires a few quid.

    Meanwhile, the virtue signalling media has set itself up by throwing anything at him in the hope it sticks.

    He's not the issue, your fixed economic system is. Attack that instead.

    • He's quite clearly unfit for the position but he'll be replaced by a GOPBOT fruitcake like Pence. A full on swivel eyed closeted christian soldier.monoboy
    • Weeeeell, I don't know that I would characterise this as people taking a 'final straw' approach. The problem, here, is that his attacks on the media are ...Continuity
    • ... frighteningly similar to those made historically and contemporarily by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Duterte & Co. Frightening in the sense that ...Continuity
    • ... it's symptomatic of a much more frightening approach to governance and civil society; which is to say, the decent to fascism or some other form of ...Continuity
    • ... authoritarianism. Galling is the fact that conservatives in the US routinely got away with saying some absolutely shocking and horrid things about ...Continuity
    • ... Obama, so you can add infantile hypocrisy and butthurt to the mix. Makes it a bit of a powder keg, when looked upon from a bit of a distance.Continuity
    • *the descent to fascism, etc.Continuity
    • Keep in mind, one also needs to read between the lines: with this recent attack on the media, he's advocating violence against dissenters, something ...Continuity
    • ... he'd also been doing at his campaign rallies. This isn't civilised behaviour, and poses a danger to a supposed civilised society.Continuity
    • Sure, it's a tactic used to discredit dissent and position the 'people' against the media. But it won't stick. Not unless they manage to dismantle Gov first.monoboy
    • So the faster we stick to the facts and move away from scoring points, the quicker we can hold truth to power.monoboy
    • What we are seeing imo, is a terrible failure of the media to hold them to account. This only plays into the hands of the playmakers like Bannon and co.monoboy
    • Partly because the media in the US (and UK) is funded by ad dollars and overseas interests with an agenda.monoboy
    • Trump has tapped into the 'stupid' brilliantly. He's played the No1 marketing card. Know your audience. Give them what they want.monoboy
    • Folks need to take the higher ground.monoboy
    • I think it's more that such conduct is patently out of line for someone of his position, whereas all his other shit is 'policy'.detritus
    • No one is being stripped of access to healthcare. No hospital will turn anyone away no matter if the have health insurance or not.IRNlun6
    • There may no longer be a mandate to purchase insurance, and many will choose not to due to high costs and poor coverage. Many already choose to take the fine.IRNlun6
    • Saying people will be throw out into the streets and left for death is hardly the high road or a reasonable position to negotiate a health insurance bill.IRNlun6
    • Yeah, it's better when they CHOOSE to die on the street instead of going to a hospital, because they CHOSE to opt out of decent coverage because of the cost.monospaced
    • Why gamble your nations health for profit based insurance? Don't get it. The outcomes are terrible, economically, morally and clinically. Defies all logic.monoboy
    • Unless you want the poor to expire once they've outlived their use as a labour resource and don't have the balls to admit it.monoboy
    • There will always be a level of government insurance like Medicare/Medicaid. To frame it as people dying in the streets is purely political.IRNlun6
    • Having to rehash this issue every decade or so, resulting in poor and expensive solutions is argument enough to try a different approach.IRNlun6
    • Food and water are the most critical commodities to sustain our lives/health. We're fortunate to never be short in supply.IRNlun6
    • Failing your people is a political decision. The one thing you haven't tried is a national health service free at the point of use.monoboy
    • It's not only cheaper, but more effective for the longer-term socio-economic wellbeing of your fellow countrymen and women.monoboy
    • Denying people healthcare (through prohibitive cost or policy) just so some folks can get richer is hardly patriotic. In fact, it stinks frankly.monoboy
    • Or is being callous and selfish a pre-existing condition for which there is no current insurance policy?monoboy

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