
Out of context: Reply #26981

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  • yuekit4

    Remember when certain people were crying the fact that "the left" was supposedly encouraging violence? I wonder if they will have anything to say about this...I'm guessing not.

    This stuff is getting pretty old though. The goal is to make you outraged, so maybe next time he will have to raise the bar to him literally taking a shit on his desk or something.

    • WWE encourages violence, ok... and a play about Trump as Caesar was art.IRNlun6
    • A congressman getting shot no more than two weeks ago barely cracks the news anymore.. but Trumps tweet!?IRNlun6
    • lol.omg
    • If you really want to turn it into a left vs. right thing, it's simply a fact that there have been many more violent acts committed by right wingers.yuekit
    • About 10 times as many actually.
    • But the point is the President is supposed to be the leader of the country. Maybe you think it's funny that he spends all his time starting fights with peopleyuekit
    • and trying to provoke the other side, but it's really just stupid and makes the entire country look bad.yuekit
    • So sad when you now have to lie or spin reality to make the left look good over the right.omg
    • when it comes to terrorism, crime, prison population, the left wins the popularity contest.omg
    • it's probably the reason why they support terrorists, and criminals.omg
    • You'll never or rarely see their support for anything Christian. Instead, their support has mostly been for Muslims and Islamic terrorists. Never Christianity.omg
    • You mean like Trump and Saudi Arabia?yuekit
    • I never made such ridiculous generalizations like you're making, just pointing out that in terms of politically motivated violence it's much moreyuekit
    • likely to be right-wing. For a while they were competing with Islamic jihadists in terms of body count.yuekit
    • After 9/11 most party affiliated terrorism has mostly been left wing, right wing terrorism seemed to mostly opposed abortion at clinics with very little people.omg
    • Which you could further claim they saved more lives than killed at these abortion clinics as thousands die, death by abortion.omg
    • However the past decade has mostly been about Islamic terrorism which could end on Trump's watch if he's successful.omg
    • So basically we went from "right wing is not violent at all" to "I support terrorism against abortion clinics." haha nice job manyuekit
    • I never said I support terrorism. Since 1977, there have been only 11 deaths associated with abortion clinics. with 2 abortion clinics targeted per year.omg
    • The pro-life movement actively discourages violence against abortion providers and clinics.omg
    • It's long, but here's a different perspective on the supposed impending right-wing extremist narrative...IRNlun6
    • https://drawandstrik…IRNlun6

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