Conspiracy of the day

Out of context: Reply #515

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  • sonnde0

    As a result of the research of Parker (1917,1918) and Winters (1983b), when Lefkowitz (1992) argues that Socrates could not have been black because he was an Athenian citizen. Because it is her opinion that the Athenians were not of African origin eventhough Greek traditions make it clear that Pelasgians which were not Indo-European speakers founded this city. As a result, she fails to prove Socrates' racial heritage because the Greeks made it clear that the founders of Athens were Pelasgians or Blacks. Moreover, the earliest art from Athens known as the Geometric style depict African or Black people.

    • hahaha. good one.Gnash
    • http://antisquared.t…sonnde
    • nice sources, mooron
    • greek had slaves, along with everyone else.Gnash
    • where you think the word slave comes from? dumb shitsonnde
    • you know how to use google but still manage to get sick every year, i bet you vaccinatesonnde
    • Dr. Lefkowitz (1992) and Snowden (1992,1976) perpetuate the myth that the only blacks in ancient Europe were slaves or mercenaries.sonnde
    • your academic sources are impeccable. you're seem even smarter when the You Start Typing In Title Case.Gnash
    • ... 'cause that's all fancy like. like tattoos in script fonts!Gnash
    • no RagRETtsGnash
    • Jealousy kills, but to you thats probably a good thing too, have at it, I'm sure your 'kids' will be as proud of you as you were of your pappy at the klan rallysonnde
    • there were all kinds of slaves from all cultures, mooron. everyone knows that. not news to anybodyGnash
    • i bet your wife is proud to know her hubby follows males on message boards to 'antagonize' them ... keep it up monkeysonnde
    • aww. calm down, inject one marijuana, and call dr jaffa in the morningGnash
    • you post shit -- i expose shit. simple relationship. you stop posting shit --no need to call it out.Gnash
    • you aint shit, cause you just jump to the next thread - you don't even finish your arguments you little nothing, you won't stand up in public, only hiddensonnde
    • cowardsonnde
    • what argument? you have nothing to argue with. kooky mythologies and stolen legacies. that's not an argumentGnash
    • i'm just pointing to the shit you post and laughing. If you don't like it get your woke ass back to tumblrGnash
    • you're not autochthonous to this siteGnash
    • debate? bring resources etc. yet you want to hide, until you want to face me on lets say hangouts or just a thread where we go back/forth, otherwise ignoringsonnde
    • show who you are or fuck off, i've spent enough energy on a waste man ... good that everyone will see the content but i'm done w you until you become a mansonnde
    • if you don't want your stupid content challenged then don't post them. it's quite simple, really. good ideas survive scrutiny. stupid ones don'tGnash
    • hangouts? how old are you,? lolGnash
    • google hangouts, its ok, we don't have to deal with each other, it'll be easy for me to ignore you. good riddance.sonnde
    • would love for you to dispute it / challenge it / debate it, but i'm not going against a ghost, we go public or coordinated, one at a time, great. otherwise ..sonnde
    • i do challenge and debate it. you post enigmatic little pictures are scurry away. Then start freaking out when you're challenged. (i knew you meant google hang)Gnash
    • *and scurry...Gnash
    • you post 'pics' of irrelevant books like that's proof of something. you truly are a mooron if you think that is evidence of anythingGnash
    • you whine like a bitch when your pretentious little posts are challenged. and 'peace out' when your posturing is laughed at. you're a child.Gnash
    • https://media.tenor.…maquito
    • not Asian. don't care!pango
    • lolGnash

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