Sexual Harrassment in Advertising/Tech

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • feel2

    sad to read this story Shellie, I work in advertising for years and I see it repeatedly, specially back in Brazil, and it is not something that can be solved just by calling out sexist comments, ad people are like that, i guess inherited from older people in the industry, but this has to stop.

    that's a really tough situation when you're a vendor and not inside his working network, otherwise you could just report him to HR and he would face serious trouble.

    I've read someone on your FB post saying that you should get in touch with some other woman that works inside his company to help dealing with it, I guess that's a great start

    really hope he gets what he deserves and stop with this behavior with other/younger woman.

    just wanted to add that no, you're not getting a stained name for doing it, it is your right to point out this situation
    and if so, you're only filtering out horrible people from getting your amazing work talent

    you don't need them, they need you, your expertise and talent, not the other way around, they're not the last company in the world
    so just keep that in mind, that your work is valuable and appreciated <3

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