The Budget

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • Ranger0

    Framing this around 'tax dodging self-employed' is the usual tory way of demonising a section of society and turning everyone against them. Same old divide and conquer crap.

    They're not pro small business, they're completely in the pocket of big businesses. It's been in big corporates favour to erode workers rights, make it easier to get rid of staff, push thousands of people into self employment. and now they're lining up as many opportunities to trip them up with tax and fines.

    Just wait until they pull us out of Europe and the tories can really go to town on workers rights.

    • fucking crook politicians.. and how much do the big guys owe, starbucks apple etc, foreign embassies in london owe £95m in congestion chargers etc...fruitsalad
    • All of the general public, small ltd's etc in UK should refuse to pay any tax until the government gets what it is owed from above mentioned.fruitsalad

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