Usability question

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • 9 Responses
  • uan0

    the problem is, once you have finished reading all that text, your eye is at the bottom of the screen and you need to look for the button to get to the next screen.

    different solutions are possible.
    make sure the user knows about the buy button before he or she starts reading the text.
    - make the button bigger, i.e. make it a 'Buy >' button to balance it with the '< Back'.
    - use a little animation, for instance a light highlight animation, to draw the user's attention to the button when first viewing the screen, so he will know in advance where he / she has to touch to continue.
    - fade the button in delayed by a second after you show the text.
    - or simply ignore the user guidelines and put the button where ever you feel it's appropriate for the user experience you are designing.

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