
Out of context: Reply #1876

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  • fruitsalad2

    What I don't get is all this "God Bless America"

    Which god? and why doesn't it come off as sounding like a fanatical statement from a despot leader?

    When Trump or any other USA President says "God Bless America" and everyone goes wild, cheering and whooping...

    ...yet when an Arabic country leader says something similar such as "Allahu akbar"(god is great)... The people of USA, or other westerners see them as as religious crazy nuts who must have a plan to gain nuclear weapons (USA has 1000's and is the only country to have used them in combat) or use chemical weapons (USA has them and has used them).

    I just don't get it. Surely Trump or other USA leaders should drop all that religious crap as they clearly aren't into it, and it sounds super hypocritical.

    • agreedscarabin
    • i think it's pandering, honestly. can't imagine trump gives a fuck about godscarabin
    • @scarabin - i've seen it written that Trump just doesn't think about god, period. Thoughts of a god or religion never even enter his tiny pea-sized brain.BuddhaHat
    • Which is why you couldn't even call him an atheist. At the very least, that requires some thought & consideration.BuddhaHat
    • There are millions upon millions of brainwashed religious fruit loops in the
      USA...Trump will pander to each and every one of the inbreds. #MAGA
    • lol at anyone who thinks trump is really a religious guymonospaced
    • Can you be more niave? What a snowflake.Hayoth
    • < that sounded exactly like Carlin btwhelloeatbreathedrive
    • oh ffs... just cuz you clowns have zero faith / belief in God doesn't mean others don't... oh... and cuz you don't doesn't make you smarter... not even closePonyBoy
    • the only time I hear an American dork trip out over "Allahu akbar" is when it was reported some asshole said it before blowing themselves upPonyBoy
    • We should be getting to a point where religion and politics do not cross over. There is no need for them to be togetherIanbolton
    • When Theresa May said God will help her with Brexit, I seriously thought WHAT THE FUCK!Ianbolton
    • @PonyBoy you're right, it doesn't make them smarter, but it does mean they don't believe in something for which there is absolutely no proof.BuddhaHat
    • Ian the founding fathers would agree. Religious no sense has no place in the serious world. Anyone with half an ounce of sense understands this.monospaced
    • It's just pandering to the religious nuts in our country. The rest of us just tolerate it (and bitch here) and hope it'll eventually go away.formed
    • America needs a new age of enlightenment. It's the only way to move forward. I suppose though, it would mean the end of the GOP so they won't let it happen_niko
    • Get rid of the pope first. Ugh.monospaced
    • It's called brainwashingset

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