Hiphop like this.

Out of context: Reply #188

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  • since19790

    • so insane, my 10 year old exposed me to this dude_niko
    • this dudes good. love the voicesince1979
    • my 10 yr old exposes me to new artists as well... and sone are hilarious. this tune here is like his best tune imo, but same style as mostprophetone
    • honest to god, go to itunes store and listen to all the hot list tracks and top lps, it's like a blurred homogeneous trackprophetone
    • i'm there like clockwork looking for anything new n great and yes there are tunes but overall it's mumble rappersprophetone
    • so naturally, i force my son to listen to 80/90s hip hop (clean stuff) and he digs certain sounds like T.R.O.Y. and Run DMC (thnk god)prophetone
    • I agree with prophet contemporary pop sounds the same on every front. Still this is goodsince1979
    • well this is it - nowadays most latch on to a 'sound' (basic beats, mumble rapping, slow zzz) w/ some gems. Back in day no one wanted to sound like the next guyprophetone
    • back in the day we walked 50 miles for firewood because no ac... okaysince1979
    • but it was good firewood hahaprophetone
    • I don't like a lot of the newer stuff but i'm with since1979 on this track, it's pretty dope.BuddhaHat

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