Grafik Trends 2017

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • mekk-4

    My thoughts on 2017 design trends:

    In UI we just completed the transition from Apples Aqua language style to flat style. Not much is happening in the tech world as CPU power isn't making big progress, so there is no reason to come up with a modified design language for old tech. I believe Android N will shape flat design further. It'll be even easier to create web animations and we'll see a lot more of them.

    Print: There has been a great progress in the digital printing industry, leaving more room for creative packaging in small numbers and finishing techniques beyond CMYK. Digital large format printers also got cheap, might unleash great creative potential in developing countries to go round the world. This will affect mostly packaing, interior and decoration industries.

    iPhone 7's depth of field function will come to the future 7s standard model, resulting in a change of Instagram's appearance.

    Windows 10's coming creators upgrade could step up the game for 3D printing. We'll see more cool stuff and hopefully dropping prices.

    • you are like 5 years behind.since1979
    • this is absurdfadein11
    • care to explain the hate?mekk
    • I was being facetioussince1979
    • Flat design has been the standard for more than 5 years now...jagara
    • ^ still not everywhere. Only major software follows it, there is still a lot to follow. There is more than sports brands VR/AR apps ;)mekk

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