Strange YouTube embed coding question

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • 22 Responses
  • CygnusZero4-4

    ^ Because you are incapable of explaining things in a simple manner. Everyone has had that teacher who is a robot and explains everything in the most complex, vague way as possible, leaving out details, and assumes everyone he is talking to is an expert. Who says "CDN" to someone who has said multiple times they are not a developer? That told me immediately what I assumed, that youre that overly complex teacher guy that doesnt actually know how to teach.

    Explain it in VERY BASIC TERMS, detailing what to do very simply, do this, then do that, or dont help, because youre not helping at all. Youre running me in circles and wasting my time.

    • Simpler terms? You're trying to make a video embed resize with ratio. I explained the simplest I could without having to teach you three languages.ESKEMA

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