'Web design is boring'

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • _niko0

    I think Georges is on to something, same sort of epiphany when I was in art school and realized how boring and limiting painting had become because you're unnecessarily tied to a flat canvas.

    If the medium is the message, what are you trying to say by putting pigment on stretched canvas?

    Conceptual, 3d, environmental and experiential art on the other hand were boundless and could communicate their message much more efficiently.

    I should be able to go the the grocery store, pick up a box of cookies and ask when were these made, do they have favourable reviews or where can i find them at a cheaper price without having to login and search your phone for the answers.

    maybe contact lenses that display augmented reality and speak to you via an ear implant or something.

    Then again, we're a little freaked out about the government having control of our smart cars and our smart houses, imagine what they could do with 'smart' people lol.

    • Yes, I think Georges is on to something too. Simple fact, our world is connected. The prevailing thought is that any experience you have can be made better bycherub
    • web enabling it. Everywhere there could be a screen, that device or thing could be made 'smart'cherub

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