RIP Fidel Castro

Out of context: Reply #39

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  • pr22

    response to a dialogue up there:
    There is a fundamental difference between murder and "justifiable killing." The gun is the same, the bullet is the same and the results are the same but underlying reasons differ. If one is doing it for ideological reasons it's not murder unless you are on the opposite side of the ideological fence. In essence, the definition of the action doesn't matter but rather our reasoning for this action do. If "they" do it to "us" it's murder, but if "we" are doing it to "them" it's "collateral damage" "killing the infidels" "purifying the race" or whatever other label was created to make people feel ok for taking other human's life. If you are accusing others of murder you should look first into your own backyard to realize where your ideology is coming from as it might not be as innocent as just calling killing a killing.

    This ability (or inability) to choose is fundamental as long as you don't trivialize it to: gee, which toothbrush should i use to brush my teeth today. As you pointed out it is an old age question about control. The more education you posses the freer (notice i didn't say completely free) you are to counteract against the desire for control by the system.

    Only part of nature is understood by Communism (desire to belong and accomplish something bigger than self) just like only part of human nature is understood by Capitalism (selfish desire for comfort often at other's expense). Moreover i think you are simplifying the mind of a typical Communist figure head. If you notice at a public event they are clapping their hands - they do it not out of some narcissistic desire to clap to their own achievements but rather because the ideology tell stem that the results of their actions are a manifestation of historical necessity. In their heads (and the ideology) they are just paws in the hands of history. Of curse it goes against the "everyone is selfish" thinking we nurture in the West.

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