
Out of context: Reply #9

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  • moIdero7

    • republitards are holding us backmoIdero
    • 1.3 Billion people in China to the US's 320 Mill... and all they can do is barely double our output? I think the US is doing quite good considering the numbers.PonyBoy
    • sounds like an excusemoIdero
    • like you've already given in to having low expectations to what the US can do compared to the rest of the worldmoIdero
    • it's all part of the tremendous Chinese conspiracy, China is trying to trick us into wasting our resources in renewable energy, why? when we have Coal and Oil!RealDonaldTrump
    • didnt that huge dam that they built flooded and destroyed a huge native forest ecosystem? thus reducing the number of trees from making fresh air.yurimon
    • they give a fuck about the environment, yet they're kicking our asses in it, says a lot about us.moIdero
    • they are NOT kicking 'our' asses... look at the amount of gw per person being output... we're destroying them based on population... they're 4x our sizePonyBoy
    • i'd like to see the estimated watts the average US citizen uses compared to the average chinese—prob a hell of a lot more—if anything we are prob more wastefulPonyBoy
    • but the US actually puts out more renewable energy per citizen... double that of China (according to this chart)... one can argue the US is leading the way herePonyBoy
    • and based on Germany's population to gw output... they're basically tied w/the US... so they're also leading the way here (little as it may be)PonyBoy
    • moldy— :) please don't think i'm arguing against renewable energy—I'm all for it / desire it as much as you. I'm just pointing out that China isn't leading herePonyBoy
    • sorry, i'm just irritated at the fact that we're not leading in that race, we landed on the fucking moon, yet we can't take advantage of an energy source that'smoIdero
    • basically there for the taking all because the big oil lobby is lining the pockets of our politiciansmoIdero
    • it's infuriatingmoIdero
    • i worked for chevron via Y&R, the shit we did for them, we basically sold our fucking soulsmoIdero
    • i easter egged the fuck out of their shit though, like BAD, it doesn't make up for it, but that's how i delt with it i guess.moIdero
    • it was funny though, you would hit a key and their add would have their cute little cars fill up the ad with black smoke coming out of their exhaust, shit likemoIdero
    • that, i would spend more hours on easteregging their shit than animating the actual admoIdero
    • fuck emmoIdero

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