Captain America movie

Out of context: Reply #74

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  • face_melter1

    Watched a torrent of Civil War. Wish I hadn't.

    Out of the running time of 2-and-a-half hours the only worthwhile parts are when Spider-Man and Ant Man are on screen and the rumble at the end with Stark, Rogers, and Bucky - which does a great job of showing Capt. America's innate character and sheer force of will. So, in total, about 30 minutes.

    The rest of the cast are entirely inconsequential and are conveniently under/over-powered when it suits the story. Wanda can change the very fabric of reality for laughs - she once altered the entire Marvel Universe because she got a bit stroppy, yet here is reduced to throwing cars about. While Vision, who is the second-most powerful being in the film after Wanda, does nothing apart from drink boat drinks and sport a rather sharp line in v-neck sweaters and cravats. No, seriously. He's like a fucking Meccano Bing Crosby. Then suddenly, Black Panther! And (not Baron) Zemo as the worst villain since Rigsby in Rising Damp. Like, this film is even worse than the comic from which it takes it name from - and that's a huge accomplishment.


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