
Out of context: Reply #1217

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  • since19790

    What the heck has Apple r&d been producing since the iphone cash cow began?

    I want more innovation from Apple! Nyahhh!

    • what about a car by 2020?ernexbcn
    • You're deluding yourself if you think Apple's going to come up with a better self-driving car, in secret, without road testing. They are already far behind...zarkonite
    • you're deluding yourself if you think apple isn't doing intense R&D constantly ... what do you think the space campus is for?monospaced
    • @zarkonite let's wait and seeernexbcn
    • @zark, do you really think they aren't road testing? if you realize this you have to be sure they realized it long before you didmonospaced
    • And no one's seen anything? there are plenty of big players in that space, they're going to just change how a car is built. Read up, their car efforts are inzarkonite
    • shambles. Now they're talking about building a software only solution... I think they've painted themselves in a corner.zarkonite
    • Apple's TOTAL R&D spending is smaller than Ford's!zarkonite
    • ^missing a "... NOT going to change how cars are built" in my first paragraph.zarkonite
    • @zark, people have seen things, it's been reported for over a year, and that's why it's on the news stillmonospaced

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