Nice (France) attack

Out of context: Reply #54

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  • HijoDMaite4

    A French born, 2nd generation Algerian or Moroccan in his 20's grows up in France to Muslim parents who have not assimilated in to French culture. They barely know the language and haven't traveled much outside where they landed years ago. His family doesn't have much money, they grow up in a poor neighborhood, the kid has never felt like he is French, maybe he's bullied at school and feels the hatred towards his culture and skin color by other French. He is not interested in school or college, no one ever talked about it to him and he has no role models, maybe never had a girlfriend. The internet all of the sudden introduces him to people that tell him it's time that he start to hate the French back. That he will never be French. This continues over and over again and it finally starts to make sense in his head. He then sees glossy HD videos online of other Muslims around the world standing up to the oppressive Anglos. He starts to feel some pride for himself and begins to attend a mosque where meets the wrong people that begin the brainwashing. This guy is promised the 72 virgins I am sure.

    Another French born 2nd generation Algerian is born to parents with more education that have assimilated better in to the French culture. They are also Muslim, his mother and father are involved in his life from an early age. They teach him the importance of love, compassion and respect for human life. Also how lucky he and his family is to be part of a great nation like France. They show him that he has the opportunities that many of his ancestors never had. He is serious about school, (His father is on top of his homework daily) maybe gets involved in sports. Father works very hard to provide for their well being and they grow up in a "nicer" part of the city. This 20 something has a good social life even though he is a Muslim and darker skin than most of his French piers. He looks ahead to college, takes advantage of social programs that allow him to get scholarships and grants. He goes to university, studies computer science or pre-med. He does very well and graduates with job offers at good companies in bigger cities. His family and friends are so proud of him, he meets a beautiful woman who is also a Muslim. They get married, attend mosque on occasion and reject the extremist narrative that some so called "Muslims" have adapted. He thinks about his children in the future and how it's going to be so important that he shield his family from that kid of mentality.

    Do we see the difference here guys? Now come to the U.S. and swap out the 20 something year old kid with a Black or Mexican kid with Drugs and Gangs. It's the same story. It starts with the FAMILY!

    Now, as far as the jihadists that are known drug addicts, abusers, and strip club patrons?

    You got me.

    Can we call that Evil?

    • Where does "personal responsibility" come in?robotron3k
    • robo, that trait has to be taught.HijoDMaite
    • ^ true datrobotron3k
    • nothing is black and white, these are complex issues. But to me this is the place to start. this is where the weight of the effort should be focused.HijoDMaite
    • I used to say it's all about the mother, if you meet f-up people, sometimes you find they had bat-shit crazy mother-fathers are responsible too, but mostly momsrobotron3k
    • my wife's a teacher...and now a guidance counselor...Hijo's pretty damn on point here. She says you can see tell from the amount of support/interest from theexador1
    • parents, how a child is going to turn out most of the time. parents that take an interest in their kids schooling, meet the teachers, get them involved inexador1
    • activities..those kids are a LOT more balanced and healthy....exador1
    • makes me sad to think of the ones that don't get that kind of attention and love and support...and how they end up.exador1
    • Do you want me to feel sorry for the guy in each case? That's what it seems like.Maaku
    • ^ might be a start.
      I agree with Hijo
      It also goes further out into the community as well. Hate breads hate.

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