Who buys the font?

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  • microkorg0

    Think, but don't quote me, you subscribe to the font per client website.

    If the client uses a lot of agencies for digital then it might make sense for them to subscribe/puchase.
    But if you're their digital person then you just buy it but make sure they know they'll have to take on the payments if they leave you.
    You can add a few extra dollars if you are subscribing for them - it's a management charge ;)

    Have you checked Google Fonts to see if there's something there that looks like the clients font?
    A lot of the time you can find something very similar and client is usually OK with this replacement as their online font.

    • I have gone to Googs to see if they have something to Univers, or any condensed font that I like. There's one potential, but it still "feels/looks free"canoe

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