Mr Robot

Out of context: Reply #48

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  • eighteen-8

    This show is idiotic.
    It's like that awful movie Hackers but 100x less believable. It's like The Matrix but 1000x more pretentious.

    If I wanted to listen to some little shit telling me I'm a sheep and that every conspiracy theory is actually true I would come here and start a flame war with Yurimon. Every hacker nerd I've ever known likes to think they're a "Mr Robot" and that the entire world is in a conspiracy to get a hold of their hentai collection. This show plays into that self-fulfilling, paranoid world view that everyone who doesn't spend their time bickering on 4chan every night is a "mindless prole" and if you can download TOR that makes you fucking Snowden.

    • fourteen?oey
    • how many hackers do you know? I mean real hackers?oey
    • how many hackers do you know? I know a lot who like to think they are.eighteen
    • I wonder who the majority are that watch this show...the 1% of hackers who actually have skills or the 99% who like to think they doeighteen
    • I know a couple who really are.oey
    • around 40 years old. into computers and hacking since the 80's. work as unix and security developers. for example.oey
    • Good for youeighteen
    • sometimes it's good. sometimes it's irrelevant. I know two who really like the show. but also put some critic on it.oey
    • ever heard of ccc?oey
    • why are you watching this exactly? and lulz on that "Every hacker" part,
      you think that by your personal experiences get involved, you'll be creditworthy orw?
    • I read the last word in your rant as 'Sweden' and was left perplexed by your conclusion for a second or two there.detritus
    • btw, it's a tv show rotating absolutely around 'hacker paranoia' tropes - i'm not sure what else you'd expect from it?detritus
    • It's really entertaining. Ur thinking too deep brah.fyoucher1
    • Detritus: That's exactly why it's not a good show. Filling up a script with tropes isn't good writing.eighteen
    • I agree it's really cheesy and found some of the subplots pretty tedious.yuekit
    • It's not up there with the best shows but entertaining and fun at least.yuekit
    • Not sure if angry at conspiracy theories or angry at how theories are sharedcannonball1978

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