Sony AIWA better iPod

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • Casio_Nova0

    I'm sure that it will be in the US.

    The whole "I love my MAC, I love my ipod and I'm superior" thing is starting to look alot like the people on message board who think that hating Coldplay and talking about it nonstop is the only way to show how much you're into Radiohead.

    Life's too short. Probably best to realize that no one really gives a crap how proud of your ipod you are, or how you think your social standing is improved by owning one.
    It's probably also best to respect that there are some other good mp3 players out there, not everyone needs one to be a portable hard drive for storing things, and naturally the consumer market works in a way that promotes companies working to create products that are improved over others.

    This thread is a bit more tame than most other mp3 player threads. But in all seriousness some people in ipod threads should be embarrassed at themselves.

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