Should I go to Design School?

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  • monospaced3

    Design school is also only good if you're ready to be a designer. What does that mean?

    For example, a majority of of the students who go to design school do it because design sounds cool and they think that even though they have little natural talent, the school will teach them everything. This is the main group. The school has no problem accepting them and their money, and giving them passing grades for years. The teachers know who they are, and so do some of the students, which brings me to the other group.

    The other group is usually 15-20% of the class, and they are those who have a passion for design and are there to apply it and dedicate time to it, because they love it. They put in 2-3 more time and love into each project, more late nights, and more everything. The teachers know it, and the first group is oblivious.

    Don't go unless you're part of the second group.

    • At what point do you find out which group you are?eighteen
    • good question... mostly from what people bring to the table the first few projects, and from recognition among the staff, I guessmonospaced
    • ^if you're asking that Q you are part of group 1
    • group 1 is NOT bad btw... sometimes you need more exposure to the field... school can give you plenty of thatPonyBoy
    • Good work ethic is the key. I sucked until 2nd year, then had a superb prof and an epiphany of sorts. It was pretty cool. But I ALWAYS worked my ass off.formed
    • This is great advice. +1nb
    • yes, a great prof should create the passion, and provide the design exposure, and generate trust through their art direction and praisemonospaced
    • Research the professors (check their folios) and make sure they're not just tech-nerds who secretly work for Adobe or some shit :) You want GOOD exposure.PonyBoy
    • totally, my professors were current ADs at great firms, and treated us like they would any designer in the real worldmonospaced
    • < This was my experience in school as well. I know a lot of people in the first group that just never made it in the field. Its tough to know where you stand...sofakingback
    • before you actually attend school... but its definitely passion. You gotta love creating. Are you creating anything now? Doesn't have to be graphic design.sofakingback

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