Should I go to Design School?

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • Peter-1

    Oh, I know
    let's sell all of ourselves short and say you don't need a degree for what we do. Our jobs are that simple. In fact, my aunt has photoshop....

    Some notes, fwiw

    - It's true, you don't need a degree to do something. Anything. Even brain surgeons could probably learn their trade somewhere unofficial.
    However most people would probably prefer some accreditation.

    - It's pricey, and more than likely overpriced no matter where you go. You'd be in debt for a long time.
    However you're more likely to earn more with a degree. More money that pays back for what you spent.

    - It's the same sort of stuff found online, you could probably even get the very same textbooks the university uses.
    However, some of the things learned at universities covers things you didn't know you needed to learn, and you're being properly guided in the process.

    - It's outdated, most stuff online is probably more relevant.
    However, what's online is usually very software oriented - things that will get outdated in any which way. Instead, at universities you'll get a sound foundation that works across platforms.

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