What's your opinion?
What's your opinion?
Out of context: Reply #7
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- 14 Responses
- cotton5
I'm tired of seeing that photo of Trayvon as if that's what he looked like at all when this shit went down.
- Why does it matter what he looked like?Morning_star
- the media does try and play him up as some super sweet / innocent kid, etc. no one truly knows what happened that night. courts made their decision, done deal.********
- Zimmerman knows.monospaced
- ^********
- It obviously matters what he looks like, because it completely sways people's opinions on what might have happened.********
- Sweet happy innocent looking kid vs an older, meaner, gangster looking adult. Of course it matters and of course they use that picture for a reason.********
- the "meaner, gangster looking" factor is certainly a factor when justifying the shooting of an unarmed black personmonospaced
- Indeed********
- Let me get this straight. You're saying that because he was dressed in 'urban' clothing it was OK to murder him? And we should be reminded of that stereotype...Morning_star
- ...because it makes it easier to rationalise the events. That's fucked up.Morning_star
- We're you there m_s? Have you made up your mind out of nowhere that his death was a murder or are you just being dramatic for affect********
- Dont forget the media altered the audio tapes also.Hayoth
- Drake your inner abstract expressionist artist sensitivity is really shiningcanoe
- psychedelics for liberals™yurimon
- Terry_c, the semantics of what you'd call Trayvons death are as irrelevant as the pictures the press use or the clothes he was wearing on the night. If you ...Morning_star
- ..can't see through the media fog to the fundaments of the broader issues and the problem with Cottons statement then perhaps we should let this lie.Morning_star
- what, pray ask, are you referring to as the broader issue? if it is some nonsense about race relations then you are the one ho cannot see through the media fog********
- My statement had nothing to do with whether he deserved or it was 'OK' to be shot and everything to do with painting a biased opinion based on appearance alone.cotton
- Terry_c, the broader problem is a sickly mix of apathy and cynicism.Morning_star
- Cotton, that media bias is inherent in every major outlet. You could make the exact same complaint if they were showing a stereotypical mug shot.Morning_star
- So is it about appearance or isn't it?cotton
- For you, it seems it is.Morning_star
- Apathy and cynicism? Could you be more vague? What is your point buddy********
- An fleeing, unarmed human is dead because an armed human chose to ignore police instructions to stop his pursuit. There is a fundamental problem...Morning_star
- ...if this is acceptable. This is doubly compounded by the fact that people are annoyed by A PICTURE of the dead human. NOT that the human is dead unnecessarilyMorning_star
- Once again, you weren't there, as far as the courts are concerned the kid attacked zim, if he had ran away instead of being a tough guy he would still be alive********
- It's not like zim had him cornered, the chose to go on the offensive and crybaby apologists like you want to call it a slaying of an unarmed child. More like********
- The kid suckered zim and was beating his ass so zim popped him. Oh fuckin well, that's what happens when you go around assaulting people********
- Oh, i'm sorry, you were there? And as your interpretation is contrary to the 911 call i'm surprised you weren't called in as a witness. Perhaps we should call..Morning_star
- ...the judge and mention you have eye witness testimony that can once and for all clear this up. Excellent.Morning_star
- @terry, there's no proof Zimmerman was physically attacked, not that I know of ... kinda why it turned into such a big dealmonospaced
- so yo are suggesting that zim shot the kid point blank in the chest even though the kid was trying to run away, that makes no sense, try again********
- oh, that's right, after he cold bloodedly murdered poor skittle eating trayvon, he beat himself up because he is a murderous evil genious. you are too much m_s********
- I don't mind getting into the whole Trayvon shooting if you want. Perhaps you should start a new thread. These sidebars are too small. However, whilst I don't..Morning_star
- ...think Trayvon is blameless in this it, wasn't necessary to kill him. But, the laws in Florida make his killing without consequence for Zimmerman possible...Morning_star
- ...My issue is broader as I've said, and the Trayvon case is just a symptom of the rot enshrined in parts of US society.Morning_star
- The problems really arose from Zimmerman pursuing a kid who was doing nothing except walking home. Dispatch told him not to follow, and he did anyway.monospaced
- I agree mono. Zimmerman should have just waited in his car for the police.Morning_star
- ridiculous, pursuing a *man against dispatch direction does not mean that he created some kind of mortal combat situation********
- when trayvon decided to beat the shit out of zim instead of explaining himself like a normal human being or running the fuck away is when the problem arose********
- he was physically bigger than zim and thought he could push the guy around, guess that didn't work out for him********
- asking somebody who is walking through backyards at night in a gated community what they are doing does not justify an ass whooping, trayvon was a punk********
- http://www.davidduke…
zims shit as jacked up and trayvon had contusions on his knuckles. where is the big fuckin mystery******** - that is a possible scenario, and so is one where Zimmerman instigated it ... first I've heard of trespassing or knuckle contusions thoughmonospaced
- This talk still going on, wtf???********
- yup, it's possible that zim was out that night looking for somebody to kill. . except for every bit of evidence********
- That's just not true Terry. If it makes you feel better to think that, that's cool. But, the transcript of Trayvons phone call to his friend as it happened...Morning_star
- ...gives a very different perspective. This not an easy set of circumstances to interpret and as there IS ambiguity as to what actually happened, I find your...Morning_star
- ...stance unusual and subjective.Morning_star
- His friends testimony got completely discredited and she was facing lying under oath charges so I don't think you have the slightest idea what you are talking a********
- -bout********
- She lied about where she was on the day of his funeral because she was embarrassed she didn't attend. Not about the phone call she had with Trayvon at the ...Morning_star
- ...time of his death. Her testimony about the call has always been consistent, both with the police and FBI.Morning_star
- She is a liar and an idiot, her testimony means nothing********
- especially because it stands contrary to all the eye witness and forensic evidence********
- No it doesn't. it just doesn't. You seem to be considering only the evidence that supports your conclusion. And for that reason, I'm out.Morning_star
- Lol m_s thinks he's on the show shark tank. Go review the facts and get back to me********