
Out of context: Reply #19125

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  • detritus2

    Yurimon - do you pay taxes, have a bank account and/or a mortgage?

    As much as I try to ignore you on here, I'm curious to know how far you go to live by the diktats of your chosen narrative.

    An apparent servile serf.

    • I'm also curious to know how you'd expect super-scale projects to be paid for, without taxes. Or should we all just stay living in mud huts?detritus
    • +1 for trying to keep Politics in the Politics thread. Make QBN Great Again!nb
    • we are all in this together my friend. Right now I'm digging milton friedmans solution. flat tax 17% but over all no says oh we have a bureaucracy thatsyurimon
    • over grown and is creating massive failure. poring money on a problem doesnt = success.yurimon
    • Fair enough, that's not a bad way of looking at things. Do you have any thoughts on 'Universal Income'?detritus
    • everything people do is based on incentive. is there incentive to be productive?yurimon
    • yes, it just stops people fretting about basics like rent and food. Also, from your perspective - it gets rid of huge amounts of governmental bureaucracy.detritus
    • if you don't have to panic about necessities, it frees up brainspace to focuson the future. Sure, people will try an abuse it - but people abuse the system now.detritus
    • people will still need cash for big TVs, food for vicious dogs and string vests in which to beat their wives with,detritus
    • what if you like having children irresponsibly when you are on the basic income plan and your up to your 5th child with no job. what will happen then?yurimon
    • DEATH.detritus
    • but what now?detritus
    • serious. if you have a base social system. im curious to what will happen if you indulge in having alot of children.yurimon
    • people do already? so what? there's a flat sum available to people, enough to sustain themselves reasonably, and everything thereafter is earnt?detritus
    • ..if there's only an expectation of a set amount per person, then it's a better system than now wherein one can assume ever-further support?detritus
    • it's sort of like socio-libertarianism...detritus
    • there is discussion on similar idea
    • did yuri answer your question about paying income taxes himself?monospaced
    • Are you guys having a serious discussion?! I think a living wage is a seriously good idea. Surely it benefits the government too, freeing up their time for war?Ianbolton

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