Tom Clancy's : The Division

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • face_melter0

    I have been playing the fuck out of this recently. Well, since launch to be honest. Having a lot more fun than I initially thought I would - it's Diablo III with guns and even worse voice acting - you run around killing goons for loot and any shit loot you get is binned or ground down.

    Only briefly ventured into the Dark Zone purely as a tourist to see how the environments differ from the exterior. But because I was underpowered I got absolutely fucking beasted by the heavyweight NPC's. Now my PSN has ended, so I doubt I will venture back in.

    The story is fucking laughable, with every kind of Noo Yoik stereotype shoehorned in. '...the bads guys are ins the tunnels.' One guy even calls them mooks. Fuck me. But, skip all that balls and it's a great grind-shooter which, as a 3D artiste, has interesting environments and atmosphere. I'm loading up my PS4 with screenshots of all the various locations and lighting to use as reference.

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