Suggest a good movie…

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  • nb0

    About Time

    Anybody else watch this? My GF had seen it and managed to convince me that I'd probably like it, even though it looks like total shit. I was skeptical, but she knows what I like and said I should take a chance.

    It's billed as a typical romantic comedy, and in some ways it does fit in to that genre, but it's also more interesting and entertaining than I had expected. It's not done in the manner that I like – it could be much better imho – but the story is solid.

    If your Valentine's date likes stereotypical pandering "chick" flicks and wants to watch a movie, I'd suggest this. It's totally watchable, and has some really great scenes in the third act.

    Oh, and don't bother watching the trailer, it'll ruin it.

    • Synopsis is basically: a guy finds out on his 18th birthday that he can travel back in time, but only within his own life, as much as he wants. So he uses thisnb
    • power to try to find true love, because he's a stupid idiot.nb
    • gets me all teary eyed *sniffRamanisky2
    • thought a lot of his early decisions made no sense + it was pretty depressing for a rom-comspl33nidoru
    • I agree, a lot of it makes no sense. It is a time-travel movie, after all.nb

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