Portfolio Critique
Portfolio Critique
Out of context: Reply #5
- Started
- Last post
- 18 Responses
- monospaced-3
Your About me page has everything about you except your name. Oops.
- the about me page is WIPKiko
- you askedmonospaced
- read better mono. He asked for portfolio feedback then linked to the portfolio page.kona
- :( I thought the whole site was his portfolio... no need to insult my reading, ALL I was doing was trying to help, and there is no "portfolio" section exactlymonospaced
- mono wtfpinkfloyd
- I guess I provided feedback on the wrong page within the portfolio site? Didn't realize that was off-limits. Derpmonospaced
- take it easy mono, no need to get psychotic againpinkfloyd
- take it easy, i'm just giving you, the shit.kona
- sorry. i've been watching a lot of teen titans go with my sons. i'm starting to talk like, the starfire.kona
- @pinkfloyd, are you picking on me because you're sore about your chin pubes still not filling out after 3 years?monospaced
- lol I can just shave it off. Too bad you'll always have a fat head butterface.pinkfloyd
- Along with a toneless flabby effeminate bodypinkfloyd
- It doesn't get any less sexypinkfloyd
- You've never seen me or my body. LOL.monospaced
- Haha. I might have a slight baby face but my body is not flabby. Where do you even make this shit up from?monospaced
- get a grip. you posted your shit many times here beforepinkfloyd
- #autismpinkfloyd
- did I now?monospaced
- I'm not autistic.monospaced
- #preggospinkfloyd
- but nice attempt at being a cunt and jumping on that tired ass bandwagon of making shit up about memonospaced
- http://38.media.tumb…
are you making friends again mono******** - look a train!monospaced