Short stories

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • georgesIII-2

    He saw you standing there, the soft light of the streetlight reflecting off your glasses. He watched as you sighed, your breath parting sweetly from your lips in a swirling puff of steam. You shifted your weight, growing impatient as you wondered why your bus was so late, and he took a step in your direction. You didn’t notice.

    That’s the thing I don’t understand. You never noticed. How? You see, when he first started keeping tabs on you, I realized right away, but you didn’t. At first it was small things, wasn’t it? A single long-stemmed rose on your doorstep, a note left at your office. Sweet, small gestures that would have made any girl swoon. And they were harmless. You figured they were from the man you were seeing at the time. You never asked. You never noticed.

    But I saw him. I always saw him. He would wait in the shadows, just beyond the edges of your awareness, but not beyond mine. The first time I noticed him following you was the day you dyed your hair black. It looked really nice, by the way. Stunning, actually. But I digress. That night, when he first started trailing you, he stood outside your house for over two hours. It was really quite creepy. I was worried for your safety, I really was.

    So when I saw him make his move at the bus station, I quickly made mine.

    He approached you, knife in hand. He threatened you. He very nearly grabbed you. But I got there first and got the knife out of his hand. You called the police as I pinned him to the ground, and I brought you home after they had arrested him and taken our statements. That’s how we officially met, do you remember? Now we’ve been together for two blissful years, and I have never stopped loving you.

    I have loved you for so long, even when you didn’t know.

    I’ll always look out for you. Always.

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