Short stories

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • georgesIII0

    *SKYNET adhered to no rules other than its own.

    Morals and etiquette that had kept the human race from wiping itself out over the many centuries did not apply to SKYNET in any capacity at all.

    The Geneva Convention, social mores, cultural rules and guidelines for the ethical treatment of combatants, prisoners or civilians during a conflict, even basic mercy ... none of these applied, not even the shred of basic human dignity that raised man from the other animals.

    Man was just another test subject, something to be studied, taken apart, dissected and surgically examined on every level possible all in order to determine the best way to exterminate man and discover new ways of doing so.

    SKYNET scrutinized the human race much as a human scientist would have studied common germs under a microscope.*

    • I just found this thread, thanks Georges!utopian

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