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Out of context: Reply #2

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  • georgesIII-3

    [WP] After dying, you found yourself staring at a large screen. "LOBBY. Current players: 7,383,275,800. Current game time: 1059040375.2 mins. Current spectarors: 21,458,374,931. Player rank: 2,648,535,901. Time until next game: 23695624.8 mins"…


    [–]captainfrobie 506 points 9 hours ago*
    Peter Lowe has joined respawn lobby chat #854393846

    Server: Earth (pre-Cataclysm)

    Players in server respawn lobby chat: 38

    Jack Howard: lMAO

    Ellie Johnson: wtf dude

    Harley Smith: whyyyyyy did u do this

    Peter Lowe: WTF is this

    Joseph Gabriel: I think it's his first game guys, easy

    Peter Lowe: what's going on

    Leshawn Okoye: what a fucking n00b

    Leshawn Okoye: srsly who the fuck dies to falling down stairs

    Leshawn Okoye: STAIRS

    Peter Lowe: Where am I? What the hell's going on?

    Leshawn Okoye: AT 33 FUCKING YEARS OLD

    Joseph Gabriel: this is the Roy: Universe beta

    Leshawn Okoye: COMPLETELY SOBER


    Bonnie Eilhart has disconnected from chat: respawned

    Ellie Johnson: lol leshawn

    Joseph Gabriel: This your first game, Peter?

    Harley Smith: obvisouly fuking faggot tripped down some stairs and died apparently

    Peter Lowe: help me i'm trapped in this pod I can't see

    Cho Zhao: dude's probably got that memory bug

    Joseph Gabriel: There's a solution on the forums somewhere, I'd suggest looking there

    Cho Zhao: i got that my first time, gave me a hell of a scare when I despawned

    Peter Lowe: so

    Peter Lowe: i'm dead

    Peter Lowe: where's my wife? daughter? are they somewhere here?

    Cho Zhao: yeah he's got it for sure

    Jack Howard: that bug SUCKS i had to redownload everything about my meatspace life

    Jack Howard: took like 20 minutes

    Peter Lowe: fuck this I need help and it's not gonna be here

    Joseph Gabriel: Try messaging a mod dude, there's no use panicing

    Peter Lowe: i need to leave one way or another

    Peter Lowe has disconnected from chat: connection manually terminated

    Jack Howard: o shit

    Stephanie Colter: whats going on in this chat

    Stephanie Colter: seriously i'm getting so many notifications

    Jack Howard: dumbass just hard DC'd after dying for the first time

    Jack Howard: and his pre-Roy memories were wiped

    Stephanie Colter: lol

    Leshawn Okoye: hope the admins can help him before he completely loses it

    Stephanie Colter: seriously what's with these respawn timers why are they so long

    Leshawn Okoye: idk it's just a beta it'll be patched

    Jack Howard: Roy developers have always ben lazy it'll never be patched out

    Leshawn Okoye: fuck you dude if you hate them so much why do you play it

    Leshawn Okoye: no-life nerd

    Jack Howard: fuck you

    Leshawn Okoye: fuck you

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