I'm a muslim, ask me

Out of context: Reply #74

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    robotron3k: How does the Koran view non-Muslims?

    Islam is a continuation of the Abrahamic faith, Judaism and Christianity and it is very clear on how to treat and consider non-Muslims.

    Since the Prophet was sent as a "mercy to mankind" all humans are considered the creation of God and thus all lives are sacred.

    Islam instructs Muslims to treat all people kindly including non-Muslims, i.e. treat your neighbours with kindness and care. There is no discrimination against people who are not Muslim.

    All contracts, dealings and relationships are sacred between Muslims and non-Muslims and God is their witness. Muslims must always follow through on their promises and dealings with non-Muslims, like they would with Muslims.

    Muslims are commanded to adhere to the laws of non-Muslim lands, so as citizens, they must follow the law - as it is a contract in front of God.

    There is no special or discriminatory behaviour towards non-Muslims at all.

    Other points:

    KAFIR - The term is used to describe people who reject monotheism or Islam, can be also used generally as non-Muslim (no derogatory). In the Quran, God tells Muslims to say 'you keep to your religion and we keep to ours' (Surah Kafiroun).

    PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: Christians and Jews are considered People of the Book and not Kafirs. Meaning they are believers in the same monotheism or the previous books/prophets sent by God.

    JIZYA - This was a tax on permanent non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic state, paid for protection against external enemies. This meant that non-Muslims were not required to join the army to fight if their society was attacked by outsiders. Muslims would fight on their behalf. They were also exempt from other duties Muslim citizens would have. The Jizya is controversial in this day and age and is not applied anywhere anymore. It does not work with modern nation-states. Most scholars now take the opinion that jizya does not apply.

    Non Muslims have a right to build and worship, own property and live freely in Muslim states.


    Often you see Islamophobes citing that the Quran instructs to kill non-Muslims where you find them (Chapter 9, verse 5). Yet this is out of context, as this verse refers to a Treaty that was broken by Meccans, which naturally meant that they would go to war (and killing would occur). This does not refer globally to all non-Muslims. This clarified in the very same chapter. In those times (and even now), if a peace treaty is broken by one side, then war resumes.

    To clarify, some people wrongly believe that Muslims must somehow have an inherent hatred for non-Muslims or be out to kill them. This is quite obviously a ridiculous notion and totally baseless. The Quran clearly states that every life is sacred:

    “Whoever kills a person [unjustly]...it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)


    This is a simplified account of things, there is a lot more detail to the evidences but I would simply bore you. So excuse me if I've left anything out.

    • The 'Sword verse' often mis-cited by Islamophobes is explained here: http://discover-the-…MakeBelieve
    • Every one you don't agree with - or try little critics - is an islamophobe... I'm so tired of this poor dialecticgonzalle
    • In Paris... So many people were also Islamophobes...
      Blind and unfaithfull are they are they misunderstood the message of peace they come with....
    • Islamophobes here is to mean those who skew or distort the text to portray something false. So in this context, it's right.MakeBelieve
    • Anyone can critique, but when they deliberately are unacademic about text and clearly with an agenda, then it only reeks of Islamophobia.MakeBelieve
    • Paris incident has nothing to do with Muslims or Islam. This is political terrorism by a bunch of psychos. KKK don't represent Christians, right?MakeBelieve
    • thanks MakeBelieverobotron3k

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