I'm a muslim, ask me

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  • hotroddy0

    Do you believe in evolution?

    • I do. Quran has verses that can be interpreted this way. Adam & Eve story or that we're made from mud is either metaphorical or pointing at the chemical compundBeeswax
    • of human being.Beeswax
    • made from mud = the gradual development of cells over billions years is a stretch. You can't have both.hotroddy
    • once you concede that point than you realize everything is bullshit and people are killing themselves over false gods.hotroddy
    • That's an interpretation hotroddy. over billions years for Who? "created from mud" doesn't state a time span. Also Quran is not a scientific paper.Beeswax
    • teaching evolution in madrasas rather than reciting the Quran all day is a good start.hotroddy
    • 7th century Muslim scholars wrote about evolution of animals. (search Al-Jahiz & Ibn Khaldun) But then muslims was a scientific society.Beeswax
    • http://www.thecommen…Beeswax
    • the Quran tries to explain where we came from. So if they got that bit wrong how do you know the rest is true?hotroddy
    • Let's say that Quran is true, than all other religions are wrong. The chances of your particular religion being correct is like 1 in 5,000.hotroddy
    • I made have deviated from points but I appreciate your debate Beeswax.hotroddy
    • Muslims believe that over 100.000 messengers sent around the world over the history. When you look at it They all are same at the core.Beeswax
    • I never say mine is right but the other is wrong. But, they all get corrupted over time like islam.Beeswax
    • if hotroddy isn't trolling, then he's an asshole. if he is trolling, he's still an asshole. it's called a metaphor, hr, all religions use themsarahfailin
    • why am I an asshole? Not only do scientists have any clue why were here and where we are going- iron age peasants who didn't know earth circled the sun def nothotroddy

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