
Out of context: Reply #524

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  • GeorgesII-5

    the more downvote I get the more I know I'm hitting the right tone,
    keep on pushing that button while your society is going down the drain.

    SAN FRANCISCO — The classroom of 10th graders had already learned about sexually transmitted diseases and various types of birth control. On this day, the teenagers gathered around tables to discuss another topic: how and why to make sure each step in a sexual encounter is met with consent.

    Consent from the person you are kissing — or more — is not merely silence or a lack of protest, Shafia Zaloom, a health educator at the Urban School of San Francisco, told the students. They listened raptly, but several did not disguise how puzzled they felt.

    “What does that mean — you have to say ‘yes’ every 10 minutes?” asked Aidan Ryan, 16, who sat near the front of the room.

    “Pretty much,” Ms. Zaloom answered. “It’s not a timing thing, but whoever initiates things to another level has to ask.”


    • Re Ms Zaloom's comment, It's not 'whoever' initiates it to the next level, it's only if the man initiates it to the next level that consent needs to be hadGnash
    • Lulz at Georges being as confused about this as the teenagers in the class.nb
    • ^
      what did you expect? didn't you know that males, especially if white are the cause of all problem in this world
    • lol at nb not understanding the irony in asking for consent even when you're with your lover...GeorgesII
    • This kind of thinking makes a lot of sense if you assume these people are emotionally retarded and have no character of their own.detritus
    • Teach the controversy! Also teach kids about how consent is not really necessary to establish, and if they don't say no, it should be ok. right?!sarahfailin
    • wtf sarahnb
    • oh, jokes.nb
    • One boy offered up two words: "You good?"sarahfailin
    • sarah, you just do not understand or do not want to understand that creating a problem that is not there will only exarcerbate the situation, do you think IGeorgesII
    • should ask my wife if she consent to sex or should we just follow our instincts like it has been done for millenia, you guys really believe this will solveGeorgesII
    • something that never was a problem to start with.. are you a rapist sarah? do you believe your boyfriend is a rapist? do you know a rapist? if you answered noGeorgesII
    • to all three previous questions, then you don't need to be taught to consent, america has this weird problem with sex, it's kinda weird how you guys treat itGeorgesII
    • well I sure don't do it with my gf if she doesn't want to. and it is still rape even if they are your spouse. teens aren't married, and avoiding those gray areasarahfailin
    • s or being aware of them will help them from inadvertently pushing someone into something they weren't ready for.sarahfailin
    • wow, so you do not get it when your gf isn't in the mood, you actually have to ask her for sex, then get it double certified, now I get it lolGeorgesII
    • I'm guessing the 16 year old kids in this class don't have wives.nb
    • yeah, because every 16 yo that have sex is a rapist, do you even understand what you read, yes means yes is about teaching boys not to rape, wft man..GeorgesII
    • this whole thing is a farce. it implies that females require an invitation to stand up for themselves. what a horrible thing to be putting in children's headsgilgamush
    • Totally agree with gilgamush. Awful. Pathetic. Embarrassing.set

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