canada elect 2015

Out of context: Reply #73

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  • nb0

    I'm still undecided, but leaning Liberal.

    A few reasons:

    First, the NDP and Lib candidates in my riding are both somewhat unknowns, and could both win their seats, but they won't be cabinet ministers. There's a good chance that whoever wins will vote the party line. Because of this, I need to consider the parties' policies and politics.

    The biggest reason to vote Liberal is that I just don't want Mulcair speaking on my behalf. I don't want him as Prime Minister. He has built his name by being the left's version of Harper. He uses similar fear tactics, inflammatory remarks, all that shit that I hate about Harper. Mulcair doesn't ever seem open to compromise or new ideas, he appears totally stuck in his ideology. That's not the kind of leader I want. Obviously, Harper is a terrible PM and worse for the economy and just a bad guy all around. But, Harper's evil does not make Mulcair good. Mulcair uses the same tactics, the only difference is that I tend to agree with more of Mulcair's polices. I just can't stand the way he talks about Canada and the way he is so close-minded and stubborn like Harper. I presume he is going to whip everyone to vote for the party position, even if that position might be bad for Canada. That attitude sucks.

    There is rarely the perfect candidate. For me, Jack Layton was the closest to perfection I've seen. I understand why the NDP put Mulcair in there, but, I just don't want Mulcair speaking on my behalf.

    These days, it's critical for Canada's future that the PM be smart, well liked, and diplomatic on the world stage. Justin Trudeau best represents the part of Canada that I want to see presented to the world.

    • But, hey, still undecided. I'll keep thinking on it until election day. That's what I do.nb
    • Oops, by "both win their seats" I mean that they are both contenders to win the seat in my riding. They can't both win, obviously.nb
    • < control issues detectedyurimon
    • Yawn. Don't you have any new material, yurimon? You're boring everyone.nb
    • I like NDP stance on trade TPP, and internet security bill. Love green but you know they are not winning. I/m still on the fence.Paps2015
    • your yawn is because you are repressed emotionally cant dealyurimon
    • In our system there's a "good chance" everyone elected will vote the party line. It's called party discipline and whipping the vote. Our democracy is a farce,i_monk
    • but the only way to fix it is by voting and hoping they'll keep their word and fix it.i_monk

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