
Out of context: Reply #1656

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  • chukkaphob2

    So why do bad/horrible things happen to good people?

    • There's no answer, because there is no "why" in this. Good and bad/horrible things happen to people, good or bad, all the time.monospaced
    • I don't believe some cunt in the sky gives a shit about our lives, but you could argue that 'bad things' are there to teach you lessons...set
    • Because God works in mysterious ways. It's all part of a larger plan. Don't be a prim8 enlighten yrslfqoob
    • lol don't be a prim8 m8set
    • yeah wut qoob said, praise Jesus!moldero
    • hahahachukkaphob
    • because they fackin up brohscarabin
    • chukka, that is your perception.bklyndroobeki
    • what is my perception?chukkaphob
    • Thatset
    • I am not to have my own perception?chukkaphob
    • Whose perception am I supposed to have? lolchukkaphob
    • @utopian hahah!chukkaphob
    • Cause and effect.i_monk
    • cause and effect? you do good is the cause and the effect is something bad happens to you? say what?chukkaphob
    • can you be more specific?yurimon
    • mono was right with 1st comment - summed it up.fadein11
    • @yurimon more specific? what are you asking? how about this: a good person dying in a car accident or from cancer.chukkaphob
    • everyone has a specific set of circumstances and some good people dont have bad stuff happen to them.yurimon
    • Obviously. Duh. That's not the question.chukkaphob
    • Why would a loving God let something horrific happen to God-loving good people? That is the question, dude.chukkaphob
    • most likely it's because that "horrific" thing is actually benefitting someone else :)monospaced
    • that's the thing about "good" and "bad," it's almost always a point of perspectivemonospaced
    • not really. evil exist. its part of the duality. just because you believe in something doesnt mean you are acting in providence.yurimon
    • you still have to refer to a specific situation.yurimon
    • @mono how is the loss of an innocent child benefiting someone else? WTF??chukkaphob
    • @yurimon so you're saying that God is evil? for allowing for a deadly disease like cancer to take an innocent person's life??chukkaphob
    • Why do good things happen to bad people?

      They just do. Life is about the good and the bad. The struggles and victories, no?
    • @chukka "most likely." also, I'm just playing along with your game... I don't believe in Godmonospaced
    • @yuri, evil existing is just a perspective, but it's not an actual thing or forcemonospaced
    • @Steve so you are saying that there is no just God and religion can't dictate the outcomes in life. Right?chukkaphob
    • @mono ah, OK OK. Yes yes, yoou caught my drift and I see now how you're playing along :)chukkaphob
    • no evil is a force, has energetic properties and qualities regardless of a perspective you hold. you are just not aware of it.yurimon
    • its dif then personal evils, which is more along in giving into your psychological traumas and associative behavior, that is more perspective based.yurimon
    • hey yuri, that's certainly a valid perspective and I won't shit on you for believing that, but I really don't have to and you can't just state your'e rightmonospaced
    • my opinion that evil/good are man-made concepts is equally as validmonospaced
    • @yuri, answer the question. Why does bad happen to good?? Why would God allow for it? When God and religion are supposed to be good and comforting?:chukkaphob
    • of course they're man-made. There's plenty of proof (the ONLY valid proof) that bad/evil and God & religion are all man-made.chukkaphob
    • @yuri so God created these evil forces just to fuck w/ people and cause trauma? The same God that supposedly promises heaven and bliss if we believe in Him/Her?chukkaphob
    • pfft. weak sauce is weak! LOLchukkaphob
    • you should ask in the "yurimon Q&A" threadmonospaced
    • Nah. Not asking him anymore. He's clearly a weak debater tangled up in his own confusion. No thanks. LOLchukkaphob
    • Cause and effect meaning everything happens because something caused it. It has nothing to do with whether or not you're "good" or "bad".i_monk
    • Thought undoubtedly being "good" or "bad" may increase your potential for various types of things happening to you.i_monk
    • @i_monk so what causes the death of an innocent child or of a God-fearing "good" person? nothing? something? Does God have something/nothing to do with it?chukkaphob
    • @i_monk, reads like you contradicted yourself from one comment to the next with regards to out come of being "good" or "bad" ??chukkaphob
    • @i_monk are you saying that it DOES or does NOT matter if you're "good" or "bad" in the eyes of God and religion?chukkaphob
    • Because you touch your self at night!pango
    • @pango God-fearing "good" people don't do that. They are "bad" people. So no, you're not answering the question, although you made a ha-ha funny.chukkaphob
    • God hates Africamoldero
    • there is ones and it when it became conscious it created duality. and also there interesting variations of the duality in. gnostics believe evil was a by producyurimon
    • On a biological scale order=good, entropy=evil. Therefore good and evil exist without morality and the good things that happen to bad people are irrelevant valugilgamush
    • Value judgements that further illustrate how myopic and clueless the human race is running around accumulating shit and behaving eccentricallygilgamush
    • t of creation. also consider that you have free will and evil could be stopped anytime. just because it works as a force it doesnt mean it cant be dealt withyurimon
    • Very few living things die of old age in nature but if a human's life is cut short we attribute it to evil. Pure foolishness. Cancer is a living thing that isgilgamush
    • the perpetuation of evil happens when people individually act out of tune with natural law.yurimon
    • Also a creature of order, it is no more evil than any other living thinggilgamush
    • *bad thing happen to good people
      Same shit though
    • in order to have society of this scale and indoctrinate people to participate, you need to create trauma. its the knowing or unkowing participation perpetuatesyurimon
    • it in a cycle. each generation traumatizing the next.yurimon
    • there is a division or slight schizophrenia that happens in the individual in your existence in this particular type of society. the key here it become wholeyurimon
    • @i_monk, spot on.bklyndroobeki
    • i think more importantly what caused you to ask the question as an introspective?yurimon
    • +1 to your statement on going against natural law being the nature of evil. That about sums it up to me. Of course, evil means so many different things to diffegilgamush
    • Different people. Most of whom think of it as a moral value judgement. Whatevs, personal prerogativegilgamush
    • No religious person has EVER been able to give a sound answer to this question, the question that is the Achilles' heel of religion.chukkaphob
    • And instead, just like the people who attempted to do so above, they either try to change the question, require more info, split hairs in defining terms....chukkaphob
    • ...go in circles, write too much without being able to prove anything, challenge the person posing the questions, or go off on abstract tangentschukkaphob
    • It is impossible to answer this question and convince people with a reasonable answer, because inherently, the existance of religion as known to human kind...chukkaphob
    • ...fails to account for this very fallacy.chukkaphob
    • It all stems from the only true fact that religion and God are man-made and not some supernatural powers.chukkaphob
    • Bad things happening to good people or innocent people, or good things happening to bad people, have nothing to do with God and religionchukkaphob
    • Depends on the reason i say is because some people drive this question from their own inner insecurities. like someone who feels helpless or fearfulyurimon
    • and wants control of the outer world. where they fail to control themselves or the emotions that drive them.yurimon
    • first of all religion is control system. 2nd of all the discipline most suited for your question is mysticism. 3rd even though some religions have are used asyurimon
    • @yurimon say what? hahaha. uhm, no. Not the case at all. Not asking the question out of insecurities, helplessness or fears, no. Hahah!chukkaphob
    • external control system, some of the ideas or principles, or so called myths have ideas. I dont know how well studied you are to really make the statement.yurimon
    • Asking it for entertainment value because religious people ALWAYS trip on this question. ALWAYS. It's fun(ny) to read their responses.chukkaphob
    • its like saying all books are made to make the publisher money. your last line of post to me are more emotional based issues you have in relation to what everyurimon
    • urks you. you just chose this line of questioning to express what ever is going on psychologically for you.yurimon
    • i think in this case it is most important of why you ask this question as opposed to getting an answer.yurimon
    • @yurimon did you miss my answer to your question? Here, I'll copy and paste it in for you again:chukkaphob
    • "Asking it for entertainment value because religious people ALWAYS trip on this question. ALWAYS. It's fun(ny) to read their responses."chukkaphob
    • your own question and what you deem to be some sort of answer is really revealing of the dynamic of your inner psych issues. thanks for sharing.yurimon
    • @yurimon LOL! psych issues? are you for real, dude? hahaha!chukkaphob
    • @yurimon you can't answer the question so your ego hyperventilates, you bubble up with self-anger and lash out trying to attack! weakness is a bitch.chukkaphob
    • de nile is a river in egypt. figures you are the one who would ask this question and not even aware of their own inner dynamicyurimon
    • *your own. typo. http://www.conscious…yurimon
    • @yurimon oh wow! U got me. haha! are you 12, dude? how did I get sucked into responding to your idiocy? i'm done with your immaturity & nonsense. grow up, kid!chukkaphob
    • Chukka you are sounding like an embittered cunt FYI. Humans are not the greatest power, math and science is godgilgamush
    • @gilga, are you @yuri's other account? name calling? pfft. name calling always says a lot more about you. And don't FYI me with name calling. Have some respect.chukkaphob
    • i said you are sounding like a cunt, which you are. try not to be so sensitive. regardless, you clearly have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to religiongilgamush
    • quite ironic after you just got done calling yuri all sorts of names for you to start crying though. give respect to get respectgilgamush
    • because there is no such a thing as good and evil. universe or god doesn't give a fuck. it simply exist to exist. no fucks given.pango
    • you are entitled to feel that way. it's a lazy of thinking that artismal types tend to gravitate towards though. it's funny how people who have degrees in mathgilgamush
    • and science find so much more meaning in life and the dichotomy of good and bad than creative types. there is a certain arrogance to spend your life emoting andgilgamush
    • (*spending) doodling bullshit. there was good and evil on a biological scale before there were humans, or even this earthgilgamush
    • kind of like how entertainers are usually quite depressed, artists are usually too wrapped up in themselves to acknowledge the greater creative forces. ironicgilgamush
    • Good and evil is subjective. it implies that there is a standard, a bar. no there isn't.pango
    • I don't doodle doodoo! I doodle a demand!pango
    • ^ say that sentence really fast. it's fun. lolpango
    • ^your wrong pango. their are different levels to the universe and it evil exists as force. the subjective approach is a trick. both forces can still benefit inyurimon
    • use of natural law. just not aware of it cause it seems you havent done the work.yurimon
    • You can't proof that. Such a thing good and evil as an force.pango
    • the way we think things are, affects us the most.bklyndroobeki
    • i cant prove you exist. pango.yurimon
    • You might have a problem called "Asian guy who can't shut up in my head" problem. Go see a doctor.pango
    • 100SFA!!!pango
    • you're weird bro.yurimon
    • That coming from you... I'm insulted :(pango
    • @gilga first of all, I didn't use name-calling with @yuri (I pointed out some of his behavior: that he is a weak debater)chukkaphob
    • @gilga second, even if I had used name-calling before calling him out for name-calling me, that would be hypocrisy and NOT an irony. Haha!chukkaphob
    • pango makes a lot of good sense and knows how to contribute to a healthy debatechukkaphob
    • http://cdn.makeagif.…gilgamush
    • awwww he's upset.pango

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