
Out of context: Reply #504

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  • GeorgesII-4

    I want hillary to win so bad,
    just like trump, she's exactly what america deserves,
    she's placing herself as an outsider, what a joke..


    “Clearly, I’m not asking people to vote for me simply because I’m a woman. I’m asking people to vote for me on the merits. And I think one of the merits is: I am a woman.”

    • Reading too much into the personality or gender of a candidate is a waste of a time.yuekit
    • Ultimately President is a figurehead, you are basically electing either the Dem or Republican party. Make yr choice based on that, not whether you like Hillary.yuekit
    • can we still call this an election and be honest about it?yurimon
    • man, you are one obtuse fellow, so you don't want to read into her character, is her past vote worth your time? stop white knighting for a sec brahGeorgesII
    • Yeah actually I think there is too much focus on personality, do you really dispute that? Policies are mostly the same regardless of whether Hillary or Bidendjmix
    • is the candidate.djmix
    • obviously the 2 major candidates wouldnt qualify for any job! unless its a prison job placement, employment and societal reintegration program.yurimon
    • I think we should focus more on their past vote, allegiances, lobbying, but no, let's focus only on that she's a woman.. sighGeorgesII
    • Da bitch can't even suck [proper] dickisleptwithsirenstonight

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