Under Armor

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • zarkonite0

    You think a company's logo has anything to do with their ability to do business? You just need a symbol that's acceptable to most and distinctive enough not to be confused with anyone one else's.

    Of course it's best if you have a great logo but it's far from being NEEDED to build a great company.

    Let's be honest, that apple logo is fucking ridiculous. The name apple is dumb as shit too... if they could make that work, anything can be made to work.

    • Dude, yes I think a brand mark is important I'm a graphic designer!canoe
    • Dude, apple should have used an orange? What are you saying... dude?canoe
    • Can you elaborate? How is a great logo needed to build a great company? or maybe you'd like to address my example, how is the apple logo so great?zarkonite
    • I feel like the Apple logo worked because it was unique at the time (not so 80s techy), it evoked a couple of relevant cultural references, and was easy to see.monospaced
    • Exactly!zarkonite
    • That makes a logo ridiculous?monospaced
    • Your points are exactly what I'm talking about, there's nothing great about the logo. It's acceptable to most and distinctive enough. And yeah, calling azarkonite
    • computer company apple is kind of ridiculous, no? remember their original logo was litterally newton sitting under a tree =)zarkonite
    • or what about this awesome piece of re-design: http://cdn2.sportngi…zarkonite
    • That last one I don't really consider a redesign as much as just a stupid 3D polishing of the already existing mark.monospaced
    • They used it for years, it was the logo Steve unveiled to help rebirth Apple in 1998. They company EXPLODED after that... not a great logo.zarkonite

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