Apple Watch

Out of context: Reply #108

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  • fadein112

    Apple not releasing actual figures and grouping with other products... hmmm I smell a rat.…

    • Good luck finding exact sales figures from any of their competitors either.monospaced
    • they released figures for all other productsfadein11
    • not all of them, and they often don't release figures for the new products, just like the competition (and for that reason)monospaced
    • the product will continue but will be lacklustre... it doesn't supply a need and is a step backwards, phones do everything and dedicated fitness devices do thefadein11
    • rest... still waiting for a killer product post jobs :)fadein11
    • it does supply a need to some people (see previous post); also, Apple got lucky with a killer product or two, but it wasn't that often under Jobsmonospaced
    • iPod, iPhone, iPad, iMac, Macbook Pro...hmmmfadein11
    • if the Macbook Pro and the iMac were "killer," then so would the new Mac Pro and the Retina lines, no?monospaced
    • the 1st iMac Was killer... macbook pro brought back the cool creative professional to the fold... the new products are just rehashes like everything post jobsfadein11
    • Sorry my definition of same product with better components is not KILLER mofo... Have a good eve. Laterz (trying to be like Georges).fadein11
    • I would argue that the iPad was just a bigger iPhone, and not really "killer." The Macbook Pro I struggle though, it's just a laptop.monospaced
    • okay - how many creative professionals have you see on a non-macbook in the past decade... jeez. whatever - go and play with Georges - you bore me as well.fadein11
    • I'm not saying it's not the preferred machine for creatives, not at all. Just that an upgraded laptop isn't really that innovative. No need to get rude :/monospaced
    • Macs have always been the go-to brand of computers for creatives, long before Steve, and long after.monospaced
    • they had a huge dip - I used macs early on in career and in past decade but there was a time in the middle when they were a bit shit. may be before your time.fadein11
    • Please don't tell me the history of macs in the creative world, I'm older than you.fadein11
    • anyway like I say bore off.fadein11
    • Haha. I was there for all of it too. Probably the same age.monospaced
    • I'm 64.fadein11
    • Ok you win. That explains a lot.monospaced

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