
Out of context: Reply #61297

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  • pango3

    Since it's not illegal to ride bicycle under the influence yet. I'm gonna organize a "bike beer tour". hehehehe
    a group of people riding to 4 or 5 micro brewing and have a pine at each location. hahahaha hopefully nobody dies.

    • You need to stay alive to keep my downvotes to neutralpinkfloyd
    • BUIs are one of the most common infractions in my home town. It is definitely not legal to ride drunk. :)monospaced
    • this sort of event happens here in Scottsdale / Tempe often during the winter months... full of drunk assholes and half-dressed women... ... yep, it's funPonyBoy
    • It's not illegal in vancouver as far as I know. Well I'm gonna fight the law! Stay tuned to see if I win LOLpango
    • Oh Vancouvermonospaced
    • In mass it is an operating under the influence charge. Potential jail time felony. Could probably plead out if its your firstgilgamush
    • For Canada as well? Damn! I'll pretend I didn't know. Lolpango
    • i donno, talkin bout Massachusetts which is tough on that shit in generalgilgamush
    • So illegal.Hayoth
    • Your idea is NOT illegal... people can ride their bicycles to and from bars. If they get drunk and ride (and it's illegal to do so)... that's on them— not you.PonyBoy
    • Ha. Like i give a shit what you guys think (jk) :P Still gonna do it! http://www.keywebcon…pango
    • I'd love to see the stats on drunk cyclists who get fined in cities. I'd bet it's somewhere right around 0%.nb
    • @nb if you are operating any vehicle on a road and are involved in an accident it's a road violation. Car or bike. Alcohol can make it so much worse.monospaced
    • High impact injury is the #1 cause of ER visits for people 28-34. Have fun!bklyndroobeki
    • You guys are boring! live a little!pango
    • @mono: All I'm saying is, you don't have to worry about getting a fine. I'd be more worried one of the participants tries to sue you after they have a spill.nb
    • But it's Canada, where nobody is suing anybody.nb
    • in canada there may be no fine, but there would be a huge fine in the US, and drunk biking will result in losing a driver's licensemonospaced
    • I've never gotten any fine riding my bike in my life. As long as they stay out of people's way, Nobody cares what you do on the bike.pango
    • Untill you cause damage to someone's person or property. I'll send you some canteen money brobro. I wonder if sell hair dye in commisarygilgamush
    • exactly! Don't cause trouble and nobody will care.pango
    • If sell
    • The other half has a childhood best friend who lived in Cisco and participated in an annual naked bike tour thing where they went bar to bar. That's a step downgilgamush
    • Down from your shenanigans. I guess it's all about where you aregilgamush

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