Your Gym Workout

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    For you weight training bro's:

    Unless you're already jacked as fuck, or on steroids, or both; do a full body routine. If you can't squat 350 or bench 225 for reps (20-25 total), you're not coming anywhere close to taxing your muscles enough to need a full week of rest for a body part. Even if you can hit those numbers, you can probably still do a full body, or maybe a 2x per week push/pull split (4 days total).

    The only way to get stronger and better at lifts is to do them more often. The more you do something, the more swole ass gainz you're going to get. Once a week is shit.

    Sample workout (ie mine) (you can substitute 3x8 for 5x5 if you want)


    Squats: 3x8
    Bench Press: 3x8
    Pendlay Row: 3x8
    Close grip bench: 2x10 (you can skip these at first)
    tricep extensions: 2x10 (you can skip these at first)
    Chinups: as many as your weak ass can do (get a weight belt to add weight when you can do 13 in a row)
    Curls: doesn't matter how many (you can skip these at first)


    Light Squat: 3x5 (whatever to warm up mostly)
    Deadlift: 2x3 (1x5 works too, these should make you cry blood)
    Overhead press: 3x8 (Do kneeling landmine press if you have fucked shoulders)
    Reverse grip rows: 2x10 (you can do some other row here)
    Shrugs: 2x10 (you can skip these at first)
    Calf Raises: 2x10-15 (you can skip these completely)
    Pullups: as many as you can, then add a weight belt
    Curls: 2x10 (doesn't matter that much)

    Friday: Do the same thing as Monday

    You will get hella strong, and diesel as fuck (if you eat enough) doing this routine. No silly ass machines needed. Don't say you "do legs already" because you run on the bitch ass treadmill. Pussies say that. Squat or die.

    Don't skip deadlifts because you're scared either. They won't hurt your back, they'll make it strong as fuck.

    • That's good advice, but I'd still keep things as heavy as possible on the bench, triceps, shrugs, calf raises, etc. Those reps are too high IMHO. On wed,zarkonite
    • you could use a preacher bench or a machine for your bicep curls, as they'll already have been worked with the other exercises so isolating the muscle will givezarkonite
    • you better results aesthetically... and let's be honest, we all want our efforts to show a little bit =)zarkonite
    • This could quite possibly be the best and most awesome advice I've ever seen.kona

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