
Out of context: Reply #61197

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  • yurimon-4

    So today I was called a child by some one who made an earlier comparison of me to that of controlling dad at a party (parah phrased), and further more this person told me to lighten up (which I already was thus the posts). Then this person goes on a rant acting like that of which I was accused of. makes sense.

    • http://media.giphy.c…moldero
    • who said anything about dads? i said you'd bitch about the cake at your own birthday party.scarabin
    • https://s-media-cach…scarabin
    • i called you a child because i caught you straight up lying and you denied it. like a kid with chocolate on his face saying he didn't eat it.scarabin
    • keep on posting. it's funny watching you embarrass yourself.scarabin
    • so is there a name attached to you in this post?yurimon
    • dont be hypocrite. you are just upset at my social crit. its pretty accurate. chill out broh. you are to uptight, wound up to tight.yurimon
    • Exhibit A: PC police en route.
    • Thats just how they role. Thats just how subversion works. Orwellian, Aldous Huxley style. one chizel at a time. Using good causes, Using Bad causes.yurimon
    • https://s-media-cach…pango
    • Btw. How the hell did you compare your situation with Orwellian, aldous Huxley. Is it because free masons?pango
    • Phrased, Parah Phrased.ORAZAL
    • pango what was the last book you read and when? read the ideas the authors had about the subjects they dealt with.yurimon
    • Lol it has nothing to do those books at all. All this is happening because you are making your self an ass.pango
    • haha.scarabin
    • STILL can't take responsibility for his own actions. it's not him, it's a social injustice against him. fucking baby.scarabin
    • lol, watching you guys mumble about what you dont know is hilariousyurimon
    • That's just how we role.ORAZAL
    • we know all about you, unfortunately. you're a one-trick pony. didn't take long.scarabin
    • forgot the context and read that this happened at a partygilgamush
    • yall dicks with pricks. lolyurimon

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