After Effects Halp!

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • feel1

    man, if i were to animate these growing bars and such, i'd just import eveything in separated layers, freakin duplicate each grey space and use it as mask for each bar, parent the % number to the bars, keyframe each one on its end position, go back a few frames and keyframe it at 0% and work it from there.

    choose parenting to a null instead of precomposing it, that way you keep all your keyframes on the same timeline and makes it easier to do timing and cadence on these many keyframes and many layers...

    if you're new to AE, don't worry about getting messy with your layers, it will look messed up anyways, just name it or know what layer is what.

    and if you don't know, heres a tip: pressing the key u you show everything that is keyframed on a layer, and if nothing is selected it will show for every layer.

    keep it up!

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