why is this not true?

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • pr20

    re Morning_star comment:
    This opinions doesn't take under consideration that MAJOR events of the world did happen at the insistence of the powerful forces.
    For instance Columbus didn't simply hooked up with some rich banker to finance his journey - he smartly looked for the backing of a powerful force (kind and queen of Spain) to give validity to his territorial claims.

    To simply say that those powerful forces don't create certain patterns of behavior is historically a bit naive.

    • That's not conspiracy, that's a mutually beneficial venture. history shows us the facts.Morning_star
    • I think from what i gathered is there is a power base that creates policy that can backfire or go in smooth. however what backfires can still be accomplished byyurimon
    • other means and is just a delay of policy. the chaos or the wild card is people. will people catch wind and act in time to prevent anything thats not in theiryurimon
    • best interest. we know that people in power have different interest then what an everyday person might have an interest in especially if its freedom.yurimon
    • there is so much money to be made being a parasite off of the energy of others. open source is not the way to profit and controlyurimon
    • once power is lost its can be harder and more effort to get it back.yurimon
    • Take your meds.monospaced
    • this social politics 101 dude. your on crusade.yurimon
    • first, there are no known courses in universities called "social politics." Social policy exists, but it isn't related to this whatsoever.monospaced

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